Start with a report on an SEC rule change, add a splash of outrage
over high corporate salaries, mix in a liberal activist whos
donated thousands to liberal candidates for public office, and you
have a classic evening news cocktail of economic misreporting.
Thats what NBCs Anne Thompson served up Nightly News viewers
with her Jan. 17 story on proposed rules the SEC is considering on
how corporations report compensation of top executives.
Thompson noted that the new rules should help
shareholders have a more accurate picture of what they're paying
the company's leaders. The NBC chief financial correspondent
showcased the Corporate Librarys Nell Minow, who insisted
Capitalism is not for sissies and shareholders have simply got to
step up to the plate and say this is too much.
But Thompson did not alert viewers to the leftward
leanings of the Corporate Library or Minows $5,200 in donations the
past four years to the DNC and presidential candidates John Kerry
and Howard Dean, as recorded by The business
reporter also left out concerns from business leaders like John J.
Castellani about how disclosing too much salary information could
undermine a companys competitiveness.
Castellani, the president of the
Business Roundtable said in a Jan. 17 statement that while new
disclosing requirements are acceptable in theory, his organization
wants to make sure that the disclosure rules do not reveal to
competitors strategic information about compensation tied to a
companys business goals or product development plans. While absent
in Thompsons report, Castellani is hardly obscure, he appeared
alongside Minow on PBSs Jan. 17 NewsHour and his statement was
quoted in a front page article in the Jan. 18
New York Times.
Thompson also missed a golden opportunity to explain
just why executives earn so much more than the average employee:
their unique value to the company as executives produces what is
economic rent.
Unlike traditional rent, the income from hiring out
land or other durable goods, economic rent is a measure of market
power: the difference between what a factor of production is paid
and how much it would need to be paid to remain in its current use,
according to Economist magazine. The British periodical illustrated
the principle with an example drawn from pay for professional
athletes, but the principle applies for other highly-talented
workers with unique leadership or personalities, such as corporate
executives and even national network reporters like Thompson.
Nightly News Features Critic, But No Defenders of Corporate Pay
suggested reading