Greenlands glaciers are either growing or shrinking, depending on
which study you read.
The media took global warming off the back burner this
week to hype an isolated study showing glaciers in Greenland are
melting faster than previously thought. But in reporting the story,
they ignored another October 2005 study showing Greenlands glaciers
are increasing in thickness at higher elevations. They also ignored
cyclical temperature patterns in the North Atlantic, which may
explain increased glacier melting in southern Greenland.
Leading off his February 17 front-page story, The
Washington Posts
Shankar Vedantam wrote that Greenlands glaciers are melting
into the sea twice as fast as previously believed, the result of a
warming trend that renders obsolete predictions of how quickly
Earths oceans will rise over the next century.
The previous evening, ABCs
Bill Blakemore raised the specter of the worlds beaches slowly
being swallowed. Greenlands ice sheet holds enough water to raise
the world's sea level by 21 feet, if it were all to melt, the
science reporter gloomily warned, adding that scientists currently
believe that would take centuries, but warn if global warming does
not stop, it will happen.
Neither report consulted any expert who didnt believe
global warming was to blame, and neither reporter noted that an
October 2005 study report in the journal Science found that
Greenlands glaciers were thickening at higher elevations while
melting at lower elevations.
Myron Ebell, director of global warming and international
environmental policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told
the Business & Media Institute that predictions for rapid melting ... are
based on exploiting the publics lack of understanding of the time
scales involved, adding, were not talking about a few years but
one or two thousand years. Thats a reasonable assumption, but given
the historical record, it may turn out that Greenland wont melt
significantly at all before the next ice age begins, even if that
isnt for five or ten thousand years.
Climate scientist Pat Michaels also had problems with
the new study the media have latched onto. Why would Science
publish this paper with no reference to Johannessens earlier paper
showing that Greenland is accumulating ice at a rate of about 5.4
[plus or minus] 0.2cm/year, Michaels asked in a February 17 article
at He added that temperature fluctuations around
Greenland are part of a phenomenon known as the Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) ... swings from being cooler than
normal both in the ocean around Greenland and in the tropical
Atlantic, to being warmer than normal in both places. And modelers
have suggested that the AMO has been part of the natural system for
at least the past 10-15 centuries.
The Business & Media Institute has previously reported on
media distortions on climate change, particularly those of
ABC's Bill Blakemore.
Global Warming Fever Over Glacier Thaw
suggested reading