The pounding waves and 165-mph winds announced the arrival of
Hurricane Hugo in September 1989. Hugo battered the East Coast,
costing $8 billion and taking 50 lives.
Now a new Hugo is threatening the U.S. with far more
force than his predecessor. This storm is smaller and filled with
hot air, but its a bigger danger. Meet Venezuelas President Hugo
Chavez, whose career has been filled with human rights violations,
radical rhetoric, crackdowns on the free press and an attempted coup
that cost dozens of lives. While broadcast reporters have worried
24-7 about dangers of foreign firms running American ports, they
have paid little attention to Chavez and his latest threats to the
United States.
According to the Feb. 21, 2006, Financial Times, Chavez
insisted the U.S. would receive no more oil if it crossed the
line in its supposed efforts to undermine his revolution. That
new threat went unreported on ABC and NBC. In fact, since Chavez
took power in 1998, all three broadcast networks have minimized the
dangerous truth about his regime and his control of the
second-largest oil supply in the Western Hemisphere.
The Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute (BMI)
tried to get to the bottom of how the networks have covered Hugo
Chavez, and the bottom was easy to find. BMI looked at all 139
stories on ABC, NBC and CBS news programs about Chavez since he took
power in 1998, and results showed the media downplaying any danger
from a leader even some in the media recognized was anti-American.
Network reporters described Chavez with squishy terms
the same terms they applied to almost anyone on the left. Rather
than giving an accurate portrayal of his politics, both NBC and CBS
called Chavez left-leaning, a term CBS Evening News reporter
Byron Pitts used for Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in a 2004 campaign
story and ABCs Terry Moran recently used for Oscar-nominated films
like Brokeback Mountain and Syriana.
To its credit, CBS acknowledged both recent times
Chavez made his ominous vow to cut off oil to America. The CBS
Evening News noted the danger on Feb. 24, 2006, as reporter Anthony
Mason admitted Chavez posed a significant threat because 15 percent
of our energy imports come from Venezuela.
But the network gave the topic just a small mention on
two separate newscasts in two months. Meanwhile, CBS has been all
over the ports controversy every single day for the last week. So,
admitting Chavez is a dangerous is like a weatherman warning it
might rain while 20-foot waves are already flooding the town. Its
too little and too late.
The media called Chavez anti-American, but he is much
more. He is working to become his generations Fidel Castro. Even in
admitting that, the media treat Castro more like a quaint relic of
the Cold War than the murdering thug history would indicate.
Why should we care about a new Castro? For starters,
Chavez is in charge of the one of the worlds largest oil producers
and the third-largest oil importer to the United States. In
addition, he controls the Venezuela-owned oil company that, in turn,
runs Citgo.
Yes, Citgo a name that conjures up about a century of
serving the car-driving public from the Model T to the SUV. The same
Citgo that baseball fans think of with a sign looming over the left
field wall at Bostons Fenway Park. Today, there are roughly 13,500
Citgo service stations around the United States or an average of
more than 260 for each and every state and the District of Columbia.
But while many individual gas stations remain
unchanged, little else about the firm has. Chavez has already
exported his revolution to that company, replacing executives and
board members and using hundreds of millions in profits to help fund
his friends like Castro. You might have read about this in your
newspaper, but the broadcast news has been too busy elsewhere to
give this issue the coverage it deserves.
Not all oil men were as well-treated by the media as
Hugo Chavez. Big profits for Big Oil were big news in the past year.
Network reporters couldnt muster enough hyperbole to describe the
success of the other major energy companies. But for all the
networks complaining about jaw-dropping profits and comparing oil
executives to the heads of the tobacco industry, the one oil man
they should have scrutinized was largely overlooked.
Americans are supposed to count on the media to serve
as a barometer of what is really going on in the world. With Hugo
Chavez, the network news shows dont see the coming storm.
Dan Gainor is a career journalist and The Boone Pickens Free
Market Fellow. He is also director of the Media Research Centers
Business & Media Institute
Downplaying Danger of Stormy Relationship with Hugo
suggested reading
Free Speech