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     Closing her feature, and the newscast, substitute co-anchor Diane Sawyer concluded that laws there for the common good like speed limits need a little wiggle room just to get through.

     That perspective was missing from reporter Miguel Marquezs traffic camera story a week earlier on the February 22 World News Tonight.

     The Business & Media Institute documented how Marquez ignored libertarian and conservative critiques of how governments use speed cameras as revenue enhancers under the guise of law enforcement and safety. Marquez also concluded his segment with a hint of approval of speed camera proliferation, remarking that If traffic accidents are down, it could be coming to a freeway near you.

     But at one point during Sawyers report, however, the ABC anchor aired footage of how everyone strictly obeying the speed limit could cause traffic accidents.

     The Web log post that links to the GSU speeding documentary can be found here.