What a difference three years and a microscopic virus make. In
February 2003, ABC featured critics who argued that duct tape
government officials urged people to buy couldnt fix everything.
Three years later, however, the network is parroting the
governments worst fears about avian flu.
On Feb. 10, 2003, the newly-minted Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) urged Americans to prepare for bioterrorism by stocking up on
plastic sheeting and duct tape. In the days that followed, ABCs
news programs relayed the federal governments warnings but also
aired criticism from skeptics, who feared the advice to stock up on
duct tape and plastic sheeting offered no real protection or that
the threat was highly improbable.
Three years later, as the federal government warns about migratory
birds which could spread avian flu to birds in the U.S., the same
network is clucking heavily about a coming pandemic, without giving
much air time to skeptics who note how rare human cases have been
less than 100 deaths worldwide.
While the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued some
specific recommendations for the public to follow to prepare for
biological or chemical terrorism, there is some skepticism about
the government's advice, cautioned substitute anchor Clair Shipman
on the Feb. 11, 2003 World News Tonight. Correspondent John
McKenzie then featured UCLA Medical Schools Dr. Peter Katona
arguing that the recommendation to use duct tape and plastic would
only incite fear among the public and have virtually no effect on
any protection.
Three days later Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer
interviewed Georgetown University psychiatrist Steve Epstein, who
urged ABC viewers to have a contingency plan in case of terrorist
attack. Dr. Epstein explained that while the chances for a terror
attack were still very, very low, the fear of terrorism is more
pervasive because risks that were familiar with are much less
On Feb. 19, 2003 over a week after Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridges press conference World News Tonight, correspondent
Pierre Thomas showcased local public safety officials who said
that the federal government was overblowing the threat of
terrorism with a media blitz on TV, radio, billboards, and print
media featuring public service announcements about terrorism
That was then and this is now as ABC News presents a weeklong look
at the bird flu virus in the series Bird Flu: Fears, Facts and
Following just days after an
alarming speech given by HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt on a possible avian flu
pandemic, ABC kicked off a weeklong series on the March 13 Good
Morning America with two stories focused on how the H5N1 avian flu
virus could reach the United States: via migratory bird or by an
infected human spreading it on a commercial airliner.
After noting that fewer than 100 report human deaths have resulted
worldwide from the bird flu, Brian Ross closed his report on
infected migratory birds by sharing a worst-case scenario in which
half the country contracts the flu after three months of an
outbreak. And of the three experts featured in correspondent Jim
Avilas March 13 story, none emphasized how rare human cases of bird
flu were, instead focusing on what the worst-case scenarios would be
in the event of an outbreak.
Avila warned Good Morning America co-host Charles Gibson that
when and if bird flu migrates from fowl to humans, it would be
much less safe to fly the friendly skies, citing
Dr. Mark Gendreau, an aviation medicine
specialist who warned that anyone seated within five rows of a
person sick with avian flu could catch the disease.
The next day, co-host Robin Roberts repeated the government warning
to stock up on tuna fish and powdered milk while reviewing with a
Red Cross official emergency supplies to keep in stock in case of
bird flu emergency.
The morning shows
site, video segments also included Face-Off: How much protection would a
face mask offer during a flu epidemic? and Be Ready: A
nuts-and-bolts guide to prepare you for a pandemic.
ABCs weeklong push on bird flu is only the latest hype the media
has hatched on bird flu. The Business & Media Institute has
previously documented how the media have come down with
bird flu fever.
ABC Hatches Weeklong Series on Bird Flu
suggested reading