Raddatzs story followed, highlighting a day of high political
drama, closed White House meetings and deal-making.
It wasnt until the dust had begun to
settle the next day that the ABC team paused to consider the
possible economic implications of rejecting foreign investment in
the United States. David Muir kicked off his March 10 story saying,
The question economists are now asking after this doomed deal, what
message has been sent to foreign investors who spend an enormous
amount of money here in the U.S.?
Economists had been asking that question
all along but many in the media didnt pay attention until after
Dubai Ports World announced it would sell its port-running services
to an American company.
Some reports leading up to the Dubai
pullout aired national security concerns, which were a vital part of
the story. However, journalists were often too enthralled with the
political workings of the debate to explore the trade issues at
On March 9, the day the deal died, the CBS
Evening News looked into every nook and cranny of the politics, as
anchor Bob Schieffer described how Republicans howled in open
rebellion, President Bush vowed to veto and that backstage
maneuvering followed. Schieffer later said, regardless of the
security aspect of this, there were red flags all over this thing.
Why didnt the White House see this coming?
The next day, the newscast answered that
question when it showed that foreign investment in the United
States has been an everyday occurrence. Bob Orr told Evening News
viewers on March 10 that foreign firms now own more than 70 percent
of U.S. [port] terminals and control the overwhelming majority of
the cargo that arrives here. That fact hadnt been leading stories
in the weeks of Dubai hoopla. Bianca Solorzano also delivered a
report about other foreign holdings, including U.S. highways.
In fact, foreign ownership of U.S.
businesses is so common that another buyout took place during the
same time frame, unnoticed by the broadcast media. A British
company, National Grid, bought New York-based KeySpan and became
Americas third-largest energy distributor. Print outlets including
USA Today reported on the transaction, noting on February 28 that
the foreign-owned company would distribute electricity and natural
gas to KeySpans 2.6 million customers in the Northeast. The
coverage did not raise questions about energy security.
Politics, not Economics, Reigns
On February 22, NBCs David Gregory focused
his story on what the president knew and when he knew it. He led
with: The White House revealed today that the president only
learned of the port deal after the fact from news reports, leaving
him flatfooted as the rebellion within his own party grew. It
wasnt until the end of his story that Gregory included the fact
that experts added today blocking this deal would hurt the U.S.
financially because foreign investors could choose not to buy from
the United States in retaliation.
ABCs Raddatz was at it on February 21,
concerning herself chiefly with journalists placement in the
presidents agenda. She began her story by telling Charles Gibson
that the president made a highly unusual move today. He called
reporters to the front of Air Force One to talk about this. He later
spoke to cameras. It shows you how concerned the White House is
about this growing opposition. She went on to showcase politicians
who disagreed with the president.
And on CBS February 27 Early Show, Bill
Plante described the 45-day security review encouraged by Dubai a
face-saving compromise for the president worked out with leaders in
Congress. When a Republican-controlled House panel voted against
the deal, CBS anchor Susan McGinnis called it a stinging
election-year revolt against the White House on the March 9 CBS
Morning News.
Free Trade Benefits U.S. Economy
There was the occasional story that
included U.S. trade interests, such as ABCs World News Tonight on
February 24. Liz Marlantes story didnt explain foreign investment
in America, but it did allude to the fact that Dubai is a business
center interested in doing business with the States.
But the more serious economic consideration
whether rebuffing foreign investors is good policy was
outnumbered by stories about national security and political
concerns. Or perhaps more accurately, politicians pontificating
about national security.
And that could lead the United States down
a dangerous economic road, said Business & Media Institute Adviser Dr.
Walter Williams. People are going to rush to say, This is
security, too, to excuse protectionist policies, said Williams, a
professor of economics at George Mason University. And well be
poorer as a result.
Williams said Congress should not be
making the regulations more onerous than they already are, because
weve done okay with the existing processes for security screening.
He said the media tend to inflame passions among Americans.
You would think by listening to the news
that wed have all Arabs running our ports, Williams said. Fear of
foreigners operating in the States isnt anything new, he said. In
the 80s it was the Japanese who inspired economic fears when they
bought an interest in Rockefeller Center. Williams said then he
asked people what the Japanese would do they going to get mad and
take it back to their country?
The Cato Institutes Daniel Griswold called
the congressional stampede against the ports deal thoughtless and
self-damaging. Were going to be paying for this for some time to
come, said Griswold, director of trade policy studies.
He said foreign investment is a no-brainer
for the U.S. economy and that uncertainty about foreign companies
standing in America could be damaging.
U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned
companies employ 5.3 million Americans, according to the
Organization for International Investment (OFII). OFII is a business
association representing many of these subsidiaries. Its
includes Bayer Corporation, DaimlerChrysler, Fuji photo film, Sony,
and Shell Oil.
And as ABCs David Muir reported on March
10, Americans who work at U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies
make, on average, $60,500 a year. Thats 34 percent higher than what
the average employee makes at U.S. companies.
Where Do We Go from Dubai?
suggested reading