
Seth Dillon
Instagram deletes post from Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, threatens to delete his account: Seth Dillon, the CEO of the Christian satirical news site The Babylon Bee received a notice from…
Dr. Carol Swain
Facebook restricts retired Vanderbilt professor from live streaming the day before she planned to do so for a virtual event: Dr. Carol Swain, a retired Vanderbilt professor of political science…
Pat Cross
Cartoon is one of many flagged by Facebook's fact-checkers for the most arbitrary reason: Several memes, including a cartoon by Pat Cross of The College Fix, highlighting the…
The Grauniad
Twitter suspends a parody account for satirical headline: A Twitter parody account of The Guardian known as The Grauniad was suspended for one of its headlines. The head line read: "Opinion | I can…
Maria Al Makahleh
Lacking all sense of humor, Facebook fact checks joke meme: A joke meme that started circulating after inauguration day got fact checked by Facebook. The meme looks like an official letter from…
The Babylon Bee
Facebook removes Monty Python inspired Babylon Bee article, Demonetizes its page: The Babylon Bee took inspiration from Monty Python when it produced an article titled: "Senator Hirono Demands…
The Babylon Bee
The Babylon Bee, a conservative satirical news site, received a "fact check" by USA Today on one of its blogs. The blog wrote that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled…
Spotter Moline
This user had a meme depicting a box of puppies that said, "The Box of Antidepressants I ordered Online Arrived" fact-checked for false information. The user reported that "the fact checkers found IN…
This Alyssa Milano parody account was suspended from Twitter. Action was reportedly taken as a result of the user's #Bidentherapist hashtag. The user's account is still currently suspended. …
Lone Conservative
Third-party fact-checkers have the ability to cause pages on Facebook to be suppressed. These fact-checkers, who are paid by Facebook, are putting efforts into fact-checking satire and cartoons.…