CensorTrack Database

7,877 Documented Cases
203 203
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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7 7
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Displaying 81 - 100 of 1419
Paul Bradshaw
Facebook removes a user for making fun of another user: Paul Bradshaw posted a insulting comment in reply to a post by user Michael Tramblay on Facebook. Bradshaw wrote "You leftists are…
Robert Buchanan
Facebook deletes a user’s comment: According to a screenshot, a user commented, “Number one. know your target. That’s just a silhouette of a person on the other side of a glass window and it looks…
Fidelis Vigil
Facebook fact-checks a user: According to screenshots, a user reshared a post, which claimed, “Cash is ‘Legal Tender.’ When you get to the cashout and they demand a card, Just leave the correct cash…
Dr. Carol Swain
Facebook temporarily suspends page of vocal anti-leftist: Political scientist Dr. Carol Swain tweeted July 4, “Once you ask questions or appeal an action they retaliate by imposing additional new…
Joe Florida
Facebook restricts a user: A user posted a meme which said, “June is groomer awareness month. Protect your children from perverts.” Facebook deleted the post. Per screenshots, Facebook also…
Impeach Democrats
Facebook censors Pastor Greg Young’s page: Greg Young, a pastor and radio host of Chosen Generation Radio, runs a Facebook page called “Impeach Democrats.” According to screenshots, Facebook placed a…
Pamela Geller
Facebook suspends Pamela Geller: Pamela Geller, the founder and editor-in-chief of The Geller Report, tweeted, “Without notice or explanation @facebook has permanently suspended me. Like all…
Richard Harmier
Facebook censors a meme indicating that there are only two genders: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He posted a meme showing symbols and descriptions of 32…
Facebook censors The Tennessee Conservative: According to The Tennessee Conservative, the Conservative published an article about funding additional voting machines in Williamson County. The…
Facebook removes post linking to Townhall Op-Ed written by former Vietnamese refugee on border crisis, claims "hate speech":  Retired U.S. Navy Captain Hung Cao — a political refugee…
Matt Taibbi
Facebook censors author and journalist Matt Taibbi's report on the "censorship-industrial complex," claiming it is "hate speech": Author and journalist Matt Taibbi published an in-depth report…
Paul Bradshaw
Facebook removes a user for spam: Paul Bradshaw posted a comment which reads: "Mayday! Mayday!" according to a screenshot. The screenshot also shows that Facebook prevented other users from…
Larry Elder
Facebook fact-checks meme posted by Larry Elder: Facebook imposed a fact-check interstitial on a meme that GOP presidential candidate Larry Elder posted Apr. 26. Elder posted: "Well, she’s more…
Michael Shellenberger
Facebook censors Seymour Hersh article posted by Michael Shellenberger: Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh published a Substack article covering America’s role in destroying the Nord…
Larry Elder
Facebook fact-checks LifeNews article posted by Larry Elder: Facebook imposed a fact-check interstitial on an article that GOP presidential candidate Larry Elder posted April 18. Elder posted: "U.N.…
Freedom in America
Facebook places a sharing warning on Freedom in America posts: Freedom in America, a small conservative page that posts memes and news from various sources, notified MRC Free Speech America that…
Jonah Birchwater
Facebook censors Steven Crowder meme: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. The user shared an image of Steven Crowder at his "Change My Mind" table, with the premise…
Mike Nevez
Facebook censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. The user posted "I'm split over two issue. 1. Is it a man…
CENSORED! Facebook Flags Pro-Life Orgs for Abortion Pill Explainer Vid By Gabriela Pariseau   Anti-free speech Facebook censored Alliance Defending Freedom and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life…
Billy Hallowell
Facebook censors Billy Hallowell: Christian journalist and columnist at the Washington Times Billy Hallowell posted, “Jesus died so you could live.” However, according to screenshots that Hallowell…