Polaris National Security PAC

Facebook removes post linking to Townhall Op-Ed written by former Vietnamese refugee on border crisis, claims "hate speech"

Retired U.S. Navy Captain Hung Cao — a political refugee from Vietnam as a child in 1975 — penned an op-ed for Townhall.com about the crisis at the southern border. Facebook reportedly called the piece “hate speech” and removed it.

Polaris National Security PAC — for which Cao is a senior advisor — attempted to share the opinion piece to its Facebook page, according to a screenshot that Cao shared about the censorship. In response, the group received a message from Facebook that purportedly said the “post goes against [the platform’s] Community Standards on hate speech.” 

Cao blasted Facebook, and questioned:“[w]hat about telling the truth of our border is hate speech? Was mentioning the 85,000 exploited and unaccounted migrant children hate speech? Or maybe telling my own immigration story was the hateful part?”

As of the time of publication, Facebook representatives had not responded to a request for comment about the reported censorship, and the post appeared to have been restored to the Polaris Facebook page.

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