
Isabel Coburn
Twitter censors user for calling Kamala a bad name: A Twitter user tweeted at Kamala Harris the following: "She didn't have to be a whore to get where she is. F U Bitxh." Twitter says that this is…
James Woods
James Woods, a well-known actor who is famous for his conservative leanings, had his Twitter account locked for violating rules on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information about…
Grizzly Bear
This user attempted to share a photo of Kyle Rittenhouse on Facebook and it was subsequently blocked from being shared or seen by others on the platform. Numerous users indicated that their…
Marc Morano
Marc Morano, a former republican aide for U.S. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla) and the founder and publisher of, a right-wing climate news aggregation site, had his film "Climate Hustle 2…
Matt McHugh
This user reported a Facebook post from over a year ago, on October 15, 2019, caused his account to be restricted for 30-days. Facebook said the post violated their community standards on hate speech…
Mark Stouffer
Twitter censors user for posting image from Newsweek article about Richard Spencer endorsing Biden: A Twitter user reported that his account was locked and restricted for a tweet he made. The…
Tucker Carlson
Forty days before an election Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News's Tucker Carlson Tonight, received a notification from Facebook that his page "has reduced distribution and other…
John Solomon
Editor-in-chief John Solomon had his Twitter account temporarily restricted based on Twitter Security concerns that there was a malicious effort to hijack his account. Solomon is a…
Sandra Dee
Twitter censors user for calling CNN "Whore news": A Twitter user took to the platform to explain that she just got out of a 12 hour restriction. She shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. It…
Wayne Dupree
Wayne Dupree is a right-wing podcast host, with a strong conservative following, who claims his reach has been limited by Twitter for the last three and a half years. As an independent creator Dupree…
A video asserting the self-defense case of Kenosha, Wisconsin shooter Kyle Rittenhouse has been restricted on YouTube for violating community guidelines on offensive and inappropriate content. The…
Deplorable Me
Twitter censors user for calling Kamala Harris a name: A Twitter user reported that their account was restricted for a week. They indicated that it was because they called Kamala Harris a whore…
The Job Creators Network (JCN)
YouTube placed an "inappropriate content" restriction on a video from The Job Creators Network (JCN), a nonprofit that supports small businesses, which depicted scenes of the recent…
Andrew Duncomb
A right-wing GoFundMe campaign raising funds for protective vests, developed in response to a left-wing campaign raising money for protective vests, was shut down because there were questions…
Twitter censors user for calling someone a 'womble': A Twitter user was engaged in some discussion with other users about transgender issues and got frustrated. The user, whose Twitter handle is "…
Kern United
Twitter censors user for calling out Hunter Biden's activities: A Twitter user reported that moments after he tweeted about Hunter Biden's "sanction-busting for China," Twitter restricted his account…
Jill Colton
Twitter censors user for defending Kyle Rittenhouse: Twitter user Jill Colton tweeted a message in defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, also pointing out that one of the men that he shot was a pedophile. She…
Dat Natural Herb
Twitter user censored for a meme video of Joe Biden: A Twitter user reported having his account restricted until he removed the video, and for 12 hours after. He got in trouble for posting a video…
David Ramsden-Wood
David Ramsden-Wood was restricted on LinkedIn after several of his posts about the coronavirus were marked as false information. The content of his posts challenged the mainstream narrative…
Titus Frost
This user was given two strikes on their YouTube account for violating the platform's child safety and graphic content guidelines. InfoWars journalist Millie Weaver was the topic of the first…