
Kerry Heiss
User's account is restricted for 3 days due to a violation of the spam policy. She has no clear idea what she is doing to get these restrictions, but it is happening bi-weekly or more often (the last…
Ed Lamon
User's account was restricted for 3 days. Twitter claims it is due to spam behavior. User claims: "Now I get 'This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other…
Kerry Heiss
User received a message that she has violated the Spam policy again, resulting in 3 days of restrictions on her account. It is unclear what led to this, but she noted that it seems to be happening to…
Frank Grosso
Twitter user censored for "yelling" at Kamala Harris: A Twitter user's account was restricted for 12 hours for a tweet he directed at Kamala Harris. The tweet read: ""@KamalaHarris Please start…
JT Sandman
User is aware that his foul language and name calling is what is prompting his repeated restrictions, yet claims he has to vent and continues to engage in same behavior. is not showing…
JT Sandman
This user is aware that he continues to be restricted because of foul language and name-calling, yet continues to engage in said behavior. He says he comes here to vent. shows no…
Mike Grove
User reported an account restriction on follows, though has no idea why. He reported hours later that the restriction had been lifted. shows that user's replies are being de-boosted.
Kerry Heiss
User got another 3 day restriction for alleged violation of spam policy. User still doesn't know what she is doing to cause this. This is her 3rd restriction in a couple of weeks.
Brenden Dilley
User reported that his account was restricted for 3 days for an alleged violation of the spam policy, restricting likes, follows and re-tweets. is showing that user's replies are being…
JT Sandman does not show any restrictions on this account.
Kerry Heiss
User who has previously been censored was given a 3 day restriction on April 13 for alleged spam practices. Likes, follows and re-tweets will be restricted for 3 days. User does not know why this…
Blessed5xs on 4-14 shows that user is experiencing reply deboosting.
Ordy Packard
User given 3 day restriction on likes, follows and re-tweets, because of alleged spam practices. User has no knowledge of what he did that was considered to be spam.
Mark Pukita
On Saturday, April 11, user received notice that his account had been put on a 3 day restriction for violating the following policy. He was only able to follow one new user every 3 minutes for those…
"So I was looking through emails for notifications and i guess I have erased them but as recently as Monday night and now tonight I have been put in retweet jail when no where near the allotted…
Julie D shows that the user's replies are being deboosted.
Mike Lindell
Twitter has been accused of shadowbanning prominent conservatives users in the past. One conservative business owner says believes the company is still doing it —-- to him.  “Twitter seems to…
User reported that his account was restricted for follows. This is typically a result of an alleged Spam violation. shows that user's replies are being deboosted. 
Ken Smith also shows this user's replies are being deboosted.