
Cassandra Fairbanks
Twitter censors Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, known as @CassandraRules, tweeted "Kyle…
Lisa Marie Brown
Facebook removed a user's post that called out that BLM and ANTIFA hate groups: A user posted a graphic with the symbols and logos of The Ku Klux Klan, the Nazis, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. Above…
Clay Martin
User reported that Twitter restricted his account for 12 hours for posting "one little meme about sniffy boi Biden" that was described as "the feet tickling meme."
Tom Lavis
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was restricted for 12 hours for posting a joke about Biden (see attached). Using his Twitter username and followers.
User reported on his Twitter account that he was unable to share a Washington Examiner article titled "Biden wishes American schools 'taught more' about Islamic faith" on Facebook. When he attempted…
Joey Caron
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was restricted for 24 hours and the post that he made was removed. In response to a video someone else shared of Biden fondling children, he…
Ezra Levant
Ezra Levant, a Canadian media personality who founded Rebel News, had his book "China Virus" banned for distribution by Amazon. It was eventually unbanned, became a Canadian bestseller and then…
Nonfiction to Fiction
User reported on Twitter that their Facebook account was restricted for 24 hours for posting the Biden collage. User did not specify when it happened so I am using the date that it was reported on…
User's account was restricted. She posted a link to a video of Joe Biden using the "n-word," and with it, tweeted "@JoeBiden is a racist nigger nigger." Since he said the word in the video, she felt…
Brian B
User reported on his Twitter account that his Facebook account was restricted for posting the Biden collage. Using date he reported this on Twitter, and his Twitter username and followers.
Patricia Rice
User's account was restricted for 12 hours for tweeting a quote from Joe Biden that said "I think the two party system is good for the Negro, Biden said."
William Carroll
User's account was restricted for a week after posting the following comment to another user: "Uncle Ben's next to go. LOL!" Twitter claimed it was "hateful conduct." See attached image for their…
User's account was restricted for 12 hours after making a tweet, image attached, where he referred to Biden as retarded. 
User's account was restricted for 1 week after she tweeting saying that Joe Biden is becoming more retarded. 
Jim Davis
User's account was restricted for 12 hours for "potentially abusive behavior" for posting a video of Biden "introducing a white man in Black Face as Michael Jacks"
Michael Stevens
At 9:27PM on June 10, user reported that "I am in Twitter jail til 8 am because I let Biden know he is a loser Chester."
On June 7, user reported that he "got put in Twitter jail for calling Joe Biden a fucking pussy. I stand by that statement."
Elijah Schaffer
"I tried to share the truth about the riots but YouTube deleted my video. Thank God BlazeTV fought for me and got it back up. It’s now invisible to non-subs and can’t be found in the search bar, but…
Amy dnB
User's account was restricted for 12 hours for "calling Joe Biden 'quid pro Joe.'" Account has since been restored.
Babylon Bee
Satire Site The Babylon Bee Claims More Facebook Censorship Heather Moon   The Babylon Bee has come under fire for its satirical posts on Facebook before, and it appears it’s happening…