Free Speech

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2024

NBC News is having a nervous breakdown over the Biden administration not doing enough to fight so-called “domestic disinformation” before the 2024 election.

“The Biden admin has no firm plan to call out domestic disinformation in the 2024…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 20, 2024

“Stand up,” “Be Honest, Be Brave, Protect women!” This was the message that TikTok decided was too “offensive” to remain on its platform.

XX-XY Athletics founder and CEO Jennifer Sey posted a screenshot of a TikTok censorship notice in an…

Catherine Salgado | June 20, 2024

The head of the United Nations is pressuring governments to obliterate all online speech that is allegedly “hateful.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a statement for the June 18 “Day for Countering Hate Speech,” asserting…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 20, 2024

President Joe Biden sits atop a censorship regime made up of federal agencies that has repeatedly pressured Big Tech social media companies to clamp down on those who express views in opposition to his own. 

The U.S. Supreme Court is…

Luis Cornelio | June 19, 2024

The Democratic-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee's chairman has sounded the alarm about the so-called threats looming over the 2024 presidential election: artificial intelligence and disinformation.

On Tuesday, Senate Intelligence…

Catherine Salgado | June 18, 2024

Rumble’s CEO just resurfaced a video showing a former Google executive describing how her employer manipulated search engine results.

Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski posted video on X (formerly Twitter) of former Google Vice President of…

Catherine Salgado | June 18, 2024

A Biden campaign spokeswoman went on MSNBC to whine that more censorship is necessary to protect Democrat Joe Biden ahead of the 2024 election.

When Biden was caught on video disorientedly ambling away from other G7 leaders in Italy, only…

Luis Cornelio | June 18, 2024

It’s official: the dystopian Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) is shutting down as we know it.

Following its five-year assault on free speech and mounting investigations, the Observatory has dismissed most of its staffers and directors…

Christian Baldwin | June 17, 2024

House Republicans are now pulling at another thread in the web of the Censorship Industrial Complex that has been directly funded by the American taxpayer.

New reporting by Washington Examiner reporter Gabe Kaminsky unveiled that…

David Searc | June 17, 2024

A whistleblower is sounding the alarm on how Big Tech companies might arbitrarily limit political speech come the 2024 presidential election this November.

Facebook whistleblower, Ryan Hartwig, joined host Jodi O’Malley on the Nurses Out…

Catherine Salgado | June 14, 2024

One strike and … you’re canceled. Tech giant Meta has vowed to censor speech related to major sporting events this summer.

Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram, Threads and WhatsApp, announced plans to target “bullying, violent threats…

Luis Cornelio | June 14, 2024

Somebody do a wellness check on the embattled media ratings firms NewsGuard and Ad Fontes.

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed 217 to 199 the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), featuring a provision that blocks the…

Luis Cornelio | June 14, 2024

Congress is finally taking the dystopian website traffic cop NewsGuard to task for its years-long vendetta against right-leaning media.

On Thursday, the House Oversight Committee launched an investigation into NewsGuard over its assault…

Christian Baldwin | June 14, 2024

The founder of a political campaign of disaffected former Democrats revealed the shocking extent of Facebook’s crackdown on the group in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 protest.

Bradon Straka, the founder of the WalkAway campaign,…

Catherine Salgado | June 13, 2024

A writer for a pro-free speech outlet cited exclusive MRC research to urge state and federal lawmakers to take action to prevent election-interfering censorship collusion.

The Biden administration, private organizations, and Big Tech have…

Luis Cornelio | June 13, 2024

The Associated Press reported that unnamed U.S. intelligence officials are recycling a familiar narrative ahead of the 2024 election, claiming without evidence that the upcoming presidential election is a target for foreign disinformation…

Joseph Vazquez | June 13, 2024

It’s bad enough when prominent leftist media outlets try to rationalize insane communist ideas in the name of fighting climate change. But it’s downright terrifying when artificial intelligence does it on its own.

MRC Free Speech America…

Catherine Salgado | June 12, 2024

NewsGuard’s co-CEO advocated financial censorship and sneered at the American principle of free speech in a recent interview.

During a C-SPAN appearance June 9 to promote his new book, The Death of Truth, NewsGuard co-CEO Steven Brill…

Christian Baldwin | June 12, 2024

A prominent doctor and leading critic of COVID lockdowns addressed the major ramifications of Murthy v. Missouri and discussed the ideal outcome for free speech and the American people.

ReasonTV interviewed with Dr. Jay…

Luis Cornelio | June 12, 2024

Despite its deep ties to terrorism and anti-Semitism, Al Jazeera continues to receive a highly favorable score from media ratings firm Ad Fontes.

Earlier this week, Israeli armed forces rescued three hostages from the Gaza home of…