Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2019

In this era of civility, Google’s search algorithms are doing their part in keeping the peace.

Google Images, the section of Google Search where users can look for images, suggests images with any phrase or word typed in the box.…

Alexander Hall | November 19, 2019

Millions of Americans’ medical data was reportedly shared with Google, and even liberals are calling foul.

Democratic leaders, including House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ) and colleagues Anna…

Alexander Hall | November 18, 2019

It’s all just a conspiracy! News Editor trashes The Wall Street Journal for its exposure of Google’s biased practices.

Search Engine Land's News Editor Barry Schwartz wrote an article “Misquoted and misunderstood:…

Corinne Weaver | November 18, 2019

Twitter appears to be doing all it can to protect those participating in the impeachment inquiry from public criticism.

Liberal news outlet BuzzFeed noted that the phrase “I hired Donald Trump to fire people like Yovanovitch”…

Corinne Weaver | November 18, 2019

Twitter has banned political ads -- except for some “cause-based” ads it still thinks are important.

After Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced that all political ads were to be banned from the platform, both the left and the…

Corinne Weaver | November 18, 2019

Google makes many claims about its search engine. The results are not curated, they are not manipulated, and there is no blacklist of sites, says the company.

However, none of these statements are true, according to an extensive…

Alexander Hall | November 15, 2019

Facebook released a “report” on Wednesday, which is anything but transparent concerning its censorship and deplatforming of millions.

“The company said it removed more than 3.2 billion fake accounts between April and…

Alexander Hall | November 14, 2019

If skeptics needed any more evidence that Big Tech is liberally biased, Amazon delivered in a big way.

Amazon published a policy list to “provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others our views on certain issues…

Corinne Weaver | November 14, 2019

The founder of the liberal crowdsourced information platform Wikipedia, which received $2 million from liberal billionaire George Soros, is launching a social media site to rival Facebook and Twitter.

The site’s founder, Jimmy Wales…

Alexander Hall | November 13, 2019

You might not be exciting enough to be on a government watchlist, but Big Tech companies have allegedly taken a great interest in users’ private lives. Facebook may have been watching users through their cameras while they scroll through…

Corinne Weaver | November 13, 2019

Donald Trump Jr. warned of the large liberal influence that Big Tech companies such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have on elections in an exclusive interview with Media Research Center president and founder, L. Brent Bozell.

Trump Jr…

Alexander Hall | November 12, 2019

Skeptical of Big Tech’s power over your life? Recent reports reveal Google may know all about your medical history.

One of the world’s largest companies is reportedly involved in a massive plan to “collect and crunch…

Corinne Weaver | November 12, 2019

The liberal media denies the power of bias in algorithms when it comes to censorship of conservatives. But it fully embraces the idea of bias when it comes to gender inequality.

David Heinemeier Hansson, a Danish software developer,…

Corinne Weaver | November 11, 2019

Amazon’s influence might bring another Democratic presidential candidate to the stage.

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg recently filed to be on the Alabama ballot in the 2020 primary. This was reportedly confirmed by a…

Alexander Hall | November 11, 2019

The Internet’s biggest video hosting site can delete your account if your use of its service is no longer deemed “commercially viable.”

YouTube posted a terms of service update of new policies to take effect on December…

Corinne Weaver | November 11, 2019

CNN can’t even tell people whether naming the whistleblower is illegal. But tech companies are now the judge and jury for the common user.

Facebook and YouTube announced that they would delete content that named the whistleblower…

Corinne Weaver | November 8, 2019

The left has been pressuring Big Tech companies to change their ad policies in preparation for the 2020 election.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Google is considering following the footsteps of Twitter when it comes to changing its…

Alexander Hall | November 8, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was forced to eat a slice of humble pie after she lost a lawsuit over free speech. 

The far-left Democrat apologized Monday for blocking one of her critics on Twitter, and as the Wall Street…

Corinne Weaver | November 7, 2019

A study funded by grants from liberal billionaire George Soros claimed that conservative news outlets and figures amplified xenophobic and hateful “attacks” against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

The authors of the Social Science…

Corinne Weaver | November 6, 2019

Twitter banned all political ads on its platform, to the applause of the left. But now the left wants more.

Democratic Party presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tweeted that Twitter “need[ed] accountability”…