Free Speech

Alexander Hall | December 5, 2019

After taking a stand for free speech on several occasions, is Facebook now backsliding?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to take a pro-free speech stand and allowed political ads without fact-checking as early as October 2019, and…

Alexander Hall | December 5, 2019

The liberal media likes to hype that a lack of social media censorship and free speech online are ruining our democracy. But podcast host Joe Rogan has a different take.

The host of the Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan told Democratic…

Alexander Hall | December 4, 2019

Dave Rubin has launched two platforms on the same day, which he believes could solve the free speech and censorship problem online.

In a Dec. 4 livestream, the host of the Rubin Report Dave Rubin described two platforms he created, Locals…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2019

YouTube defines itself as an “open video platform,” where videos that don’t break the rules are free to flourish. But a new blog from the company contradicts its own statement.

“The Fours Rs of Responsibility, Part…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2019

Big Tech CEOs for Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other companies signed an agreement with a labor union leader stating that they would uphold the standards set by the Paris Agreement.

The United States government, under President Trump,…

Alexander Hall | December 3, 2019

Even after persistent attacks by liberal critics, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg doubled down on defending one of America’s most iconic values -- free speech.

Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan appeared in a CBS This Morning…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

YouTube took down more than 300 ads from President Donald Trump’s election campaign in what is only the latest example of the company fighting with the right.

CBS News reportedly “found that over 300 video ads were taken down…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl visited YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California to have a scorching interview with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki over free speech controversies online.

Stahl opened the episode by saying that…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2019

Project Veritas reported that its account on Twitter Ads was suspended permanently for “inappropriate content.” In a video posted to Twitter, the organization's founder, James O’Keefe, explained how the censorship occurred…

Alexander Hall | November 26, 2019

Vice wrote a glowing review of a video game where players control a molotov-cocktail-throwing activist rebelling against a parody of Trump.

Were you looking for the video game equivalent of the Krassenstein brothers cringeworthy book…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2019

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey once said, “Journalists play a critical role in our society: keep the world honest and balanced. They are true servants of the people.”

This seems to only apply to journalists that lean left, however.…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2019

A Facebook employee lauded by the Trump campaign in 2016 as an “MVP” is not happy that he helped President Trump’s election strategy.

James Barnes, a former member of Facebook’s political ad sales team, wrote in a…

Alexander Hall | November 25, 2019

An actor and comedian famous for his shenanigans as the character Borat blasted the Big Tech community for being “the greatest propaganda machine in history” and knocking Facebook for its recent free speech stance.

Sacha Baron…

Corinne Weaver | November 25, 2019

Parody accounts on Twitter are supposed to be protected under the platform’s terms of service. But the company seems to forget this fact on a regular basis.

A parody account of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, @ElBloombito, was briefly…

Alexander Hall | November 22, 2019

Countering the liberal media call to censor conservatives, the former president came out swinging against Chinese-style censorship on Big Tech platforms and took a stand for free speech online.

“At a high-dollar fundraiser on…

Alexander Hall | November 21, 2019

Facebook has become more open to some policies that the right has fought for.

“President Donald Trump hosted a previously undisclosed dinner with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook board member Peter Thiel at the White House…

Corinne Weaver | November 21, 2019

Liberals complain about Big Tech platforms that allow for free and unfettered speech in political advertising. It seems as though some of these companies are listening.

Google announced on Nov. 20 that it was restricting microtargeting on…

Corinne Weaver | November 21, 2019

A Twitter account that had been previously retweeted by President Trump was censored by the platform.

Breaking News Live News had tweeted a story about Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, on Nov. 20. Two hours later…

Alexander Hall | November 20, 2019

Facebook has taken heat for supporting free speech and for including Breitbart in its “News” tab, and now its VP of global marketing solutions is making a stand.

Yesterday, Gizmodo wrote its not-so-objective commentary that…

Alexander Hall | November 20, 2019

In what could be perceived as a subtle barb at Facebook, and perhaps even Twitter too, Snapchat declared its commitment to battling “misinformation” with the upcoming election in mind.

“We subject all…