Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | January 2, 2020

Apps collect data about their users. What happens when a foreign government owns that data?

The U.S. military did not want to find out. According to an NBC News report, the Defense Information Systems Agency advised employees to avoid…

Alexander Hall | December 30, 2019

One of the top YouTube creators, PewDiePie, warned that the site is under threat — from the very people who run it.

PewDiePie addressed questions from his fans in a December 28 video and questioned the future of the entire platform…

Alexander Hall | December 30, 2019

Hate crimes are tragic. Now they are typically followed by calls for government crackdowns on speech.

In the wake of the attack on a Hanukkah celebration at a Rabbi’s home in Monsey, New York, weekday morning CNN Newsroom co-host…

Gabriel Hays | December 26, 2019

UK's government-funded news media giant BBC is considering measures to discourage its “top correspondents” from biased tweeting.

The actions follow election criticism from both left and right.

The Guardian…

Alexander Hall | December 20, 2019

The photo sharing platform Instagram has launched the rise of many influencers ranging from aspiring models to artists, but now it is restricting what products these influencers can be paid to promote.

“Across the Facebook company,…

Alexander Hall | December 19, 2019
LGBTQ Privilege? YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the company consults with the LBGTQ community to make sure they don’t feel they are being censored. Wouldn’t it be nice if conservatives had such a seemingly favored group?  

Alexander Hall | December 18, 2019

Some in Big Tech have made swipes at Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for his company’s free speech stance on political ads, and the hits keep on coming.

The CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey unfollowed Mark Zuckerberg handle “@finkd…

Alexander Hall | December 18, 2019

It’s the future you probably didn’t ask for -- being nagged by Artificial Intelligence to stop being “offensive” and “bullying.”

Instagram touted its new anti-bullying Artificial Intelligence program in…

Alexander Hall | December 17, 2019

Facebook is taking another shot at improving its fact-check process, by adding a large group of part-time contractors to help sort information from disinformation.

In an attempt to assuage the concerns of conservatives and free speech…

Corinne Weaver | December 17, 2019

The 2020 election is going to be fought online and the left has decided to create its own fact-check unit.

The Democratic National Committee started a “counter-disinformation unit” to “serve[] as a knowledge base and…

Alexander Hall | December 16, 2019

Some content creators are concerned about the direction platforms are taking after recent policy change announcements. Will free speech be allowed on social media?

YouTube’s Vice President and Global Head of Trust & Safety Matt…

Corinne Weaver | December 16, 2019

Facebook announced a new policy to label state-funded media on its platform. Qatar-backed outlet Al Jazeera has a problem with that.

In a letter sent by the media outlet’s lawyers to Facebook’s Vice President Jennifer Gillian…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2019

As the hashtag “#youtubeisoverparty” trended following a YouTube policy update, Steven Crowder warned viewers and fellow creators their days on the platform may be numbered.

Yesterday, YouTube’s Vice President and Global…

Alexander Hall | December 11, 2019

The video sharing platform and sister organization to Google may be cracking down on free speech -- this time under the guise of protecting users from “harassment.” YouTube’s Vice President and Global Head of Trust & Safety…

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2019

Ex-founder of Wikipedia Larry Sanger’s Twitter followers reported that they couldn’t see the tweets he had put out about a social media strike.

“Who wants me to organize mass tryouts of decentralized social media…

Alexander Hall | December 10, 2019

A Pinterest tech insider received an award for his part in blowing the whistle on Pinterest’s bias and censorship of conservative content.

Whistleblower Eric Cochran received an Impact Award during the 3rd Annual Impact Awards…

Corinne Weaver | December 10, 2019

“Journalists play a critical role in our society: keep the world honest and balanced. They are true servants of the people,” said Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in a tweet from 2015. But it seems only certain kinds of journalists “play…

Alexander Hall | December 9, 2019

A former Facebook employee says that social media companies “owe it to democracy” to increase restrictions on Facebook’s political advertising and “fix the mess” they allegedly created.


Corinne Weaver | December 6, 2019

One of the four constitutional scholars who testified at the impeachment hearings on Dec. 3 played an instrumental role in the building of Facebook’s Oversight Board.

Noah Feldman, professor at Harvard Law School and director of the…

Alexander Hall | December 6, 2019

Sources claim that the Democratic National Committee ("DNC") directly lobbied Facebook to police the platform for “malicious actors” and “disinformation” from politicians.

The DNC CEO Seema Nanda…