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If skeptics needed any more evidence that Big Tech is liberally biased, Amazon delivered in a big way.

Amazon published a policy list to “provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others our views on certain issues,” the manifesto read. Though it tried to claim shortly thereafter that “there is much room for healthy debate and differing opinions.” We’ll see about that.

Founder and CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos also conveniently owns the liberal Washington Post, who unveiled its melodramatic motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness” after Donald J. Trump won the presidency.

Of course, Amazon, not much unlike The Washington Post, had to harp on one of liberalism’s biggest myths, Climate change, in the section: “Human-induced climate change is real, serious, and action is needed from the public and private sectors.”

“The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that human activities are contributing to climate-warming trends over the past century, and most leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.”

Conveniently enough, Amazon did not link to any of these scientists, though it did boastfully share its “sustainability website.

And if readers are chomping at the bit to learn more about how cow flatulence is ripping a hole through the ozone layer and why bug burgers are the way of the future, then Bezos’ other entity The Washington Post is more than happy to help with articles such as “Would you eat insects to help save the planet? These companies are betting yes.”

The jury is out on whether billionaire Jeff Bezos will ever resort to eating bugs like the rest of us peasants in order to save the planet.

No Liberal manifesto would be complete without an endorsement of their favorite labor force: immigrants. “We strongly support the rights of immigrants and immigration reform.”

Amazon cited immigration as “imperative for our country’s competitiveness.”

Amazon then explained how, as a company, “We support and lobby for immigration reform, including a legal pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and reforms to the green card and high-skilled visa programs, as well as actively participating in legal challenges to the travel ban.”

And how does Bezos’ media-arm The Washington Post feel about illegal immigrants in its own articles? Well, look no further than one piece titled “Why open borders are crucial for innovation.”

“The rights of LGBTQ+ people must be protected” the manifesto proclaimed before boasting about its gay agenda credentials:

“We were early and strong supporters of marriage equality and will continue to advocate for protections and equal rights for transgender people. We stand together with the LGBTQ community and are working at the U.S. federal and state level on legislation, including supporting passage of the Equality Act. Amazon provides gender transition benefits based on the Standards of Care published by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). We received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s (HRC) ‘Corporate Equality Index’ for the last three years.”

One section read in bold that “Diversity and inclusion are good for business—and more fundamentally—simply right.”

Amazon cited that “Customers represent a wide array of genders, races, ethnicities, abilities, ages, religions, sexual orientations, military status, backgrounds, and political views. It’s critical that Amazon employees are also diverse and that we foster a culture where inclusion is the norm.”


Their commitment to diversity and inclusion towards religion is up for debate, however, considering how the company banned the sale of confederate flags but has allowed the sale of pregnant nun costumes.

The manifesto included that “it’s critical that we increase opportunity for underrepresented groups to enter the technology workforce.” It went on to describe “the Amazon Future Engineer program,” which “works to inspire and educate 10 million children and young adults each year from underprivileged, underrepresented, and underserved communities to pursue careers in the fast-growing field of computer science and coding.” But “[i]t’s not only that diversity and inclusion are good for business,” stated Amazon,”it’s more fundamental than that—it’s simply right.”

The Amazon manifesto also suggested that “The federal minimum wage in the U.S. is too low and should be raised.” How much? No less than “$15 an hour to all full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees across the U.S.” Naturally, WaPo has been highly supportive of these kinds of measures.

Not surprising, though, considering how, according to Fortune’s reporting, “Amazon Will Pay a Whopping $0 in Federal Taxes on $11.2 Billion Profits.” Fortune’s article cited a report published by the Institute on Taxation and Economic (ITEP) policy which said that Amazon would not “have to pay a cent in federal taxes for the second year in a row.”
