Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | October 24, 2019

Yet another social media study, this time from Penn State University, characterizes a group of YouTube creators as a threat.

The study, “A Supply and Demand Framework for YouTube Politics,” offers a new way to look at the “alternative…

Alexander Hall | October 24, 2019

It’s a time of unlikely allies when a Republican has to come to the defense of a Big Tech CEO to protect free speech from the far-left.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was put in the hot seat as the sole witness during the Oct. 23…

Alexander Hall | October 23, 2019

Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), tried to rake Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the coals for the way Facebook has decided to handle political ads. Zuckerberg, however, doubled down and went…

Corinne Weaver | October 23, 2019

The celebrity propaganda machine has turned against Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.

Documentary director and activist Michael Moore claims he was sneaked in to the House Financial Services Committee hearing, where Zuckerberg was…

Alexander Hall | October 23, 2019

Twitter has announced upcoming policy changes to ostensibly protect users from content that could “threaten someone’s physical safety” or “lead to offline harm.”

Twitter Safety announced on its official…

Alexander Hall | October 21, 2019

Without Russians to blame, liberal media have gone from scapegoating foreign agents to now condemning Facebook’s advertising itself.

"That campaigns are now being fought largely online is hardly a revelation, yet only one…

Alexander Hall | October 21, 2019

In the latest incidence of Big Tech being in bed with liberals, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have been caught recommending campaign hires to a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. 

Campaign spokesman Chris…

Corinne Weaver | October 21, 2019

TikTok, the viral Chinese app that may live on your high school student’s phone, serves another devious purpose. It is a propaganda tool for the Chinese government.

Australian human rights activist and Uyghur Muslim Arslan Hidayat…

Alexander Hall | October 18, 2019

If competitive soccer games are too toxically masculine for your taste, and if your idea of “diversity” is an all-black cast, The New York Times has some games for you!

The Times in mid-October posted “Fear, Anxiety and…

Corinne Weaver | October 18, 2019

The left was not pleased with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to promote the value of “free expression.”

After Zuckerberg gave a speech at Georgetown University, where he disavowed expanding the definition of…

Corinne Weaver | October 17, 2019

Facebook and its developers have been in the race to define and correct what the platform calls hate speech. But in a speech given to Georgetown University, CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested a different direction for the company.

In his…

Alexander Hall | October 17, 2019

With experts warning about hackers and insider sabotage as Amazon expands into the business of elections, should American voters worry about officials putting all their eggs in one basket? 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has increasingly…

Corinne Weaver | October 17, 2019

Big tech has presented many problems for the legislators in Washington to tackle. One of those is regulation.

Many politicians on both sides of the aisle have discussed government regulation of Big Tech. Government regulation and amending…

Alexander Hall | October 16, 2019

Twitter Inc. released a blog post titled “World Leaders on Twitter: principles & approach” on Oct. 5, which aimed to give “more context” on its “principles and process” for censoring tweets by world leaders…

Corinne Weaver | October 16, 2019

The two female faces of the Democratic run for the presidential nomination can’t seem to agree about policy points.

On CNN’s Oct. 15 Democratic Party presidential primary debate, the discussion turned to Big Tech and what the…

Alexander Hall | October 15, 2019

A proposed commission to bully online platforms into cracking down harder on speech has civil rights advocates outraged, The Hill's Emily Birnbaum reported. At least three bills were discussed, including ones targeting cybersecurity…

Corinne Weaver | October 15, 2019

The intolerant left has a long list of things they consider unforgivable sins. One of them includes simply talking and dining with those on the right.

Politico published a story Oct. 14, which said that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg…

Corinne Weaver | October 14, 2019

Facebook is now Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) biggest boogeyman, but she’ll attack the social media platform … by using its ad services.

The Democratic presidential primary candidate ran the confrontational ad on…

Corinne Weaver | October 14, 2019

Facebook has finally realized it’s impossible to uphold the American concept of freedom of speech while appeasing other governments around the world.

Global Policy Management VP Monika Bickert complained in an October 14 post for…

Michael Morris | October 11, 2019

If you’re not preparing now to serve our future robot overlords, then you’d better start.

Amazon, since at least Jan. 2019, has been hard at work developing what it calls a “fully-electric delivery system – Amazon…