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It’s a time of unlikely allies when a Republican has to come to the defense of a Big Tech CEO to protect free speech from the far-left.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was put in the hot seat as the sole witness during the Oct. 23 hearing titled “An Examination of Facebook and Its Impact on the Financial Services and Housing Sectors.” But he was not entirely alone in his defense of free speech before the House Financial Services committee. During yesterday’s hearing,one Republican not only stood up for Zuckerberg’s free speech policy, but urged him, “Protect it, and don’t be bullied by politicians who want to censor politically incorrect speech.”

Kentucky Republican Andy Barr praised the Big Tech CEO for his recent defense of free speech, saying:

“Mr. Zuckerberg, I do want to commend you on statements you made recently at Georgetown University about free speech and the First Amendment. I was particularly happy to hear you say that you will ‘continue to stand for free expression understanding its messiness, but believing that the long journey towards greater progress requires confronting ideas that challenge us.’”

Barr added that he was reminded of a quote by John Stewart Mill, who wrote in his essay, “On Liberty,”

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.

Barr hammered home his point that “[t]his sentiment is important and relevant to Facebook, especially in today’s age of political correctness, accusations of offensive speech, safe places, and the dramatic polarization of our political discourse.” And Barr added,“I do find it highly troubling that politicians are trying to bully you to be a fact-checker and to be the speech police, especially in politics at the core of the First Amendment. “


He then asked Zuckerberg about “censorship” directly: “Will you commit that Facebook will not censor any political ad placed on your platform or in support of President Donald Trump?”

Zuckerberg responded that at Facebook, they do not see themselves as the arbiters of political truth, but instead allow Facebook users to research and discover things for themselves.

Zuckerberg stated the following:

“We believe that people should be able to see for themselves what politicians are saying. That doesn’t just go for Trump, that goes for any of the candidates for any of our national offices. People need to be able to see for themselves and be able to make judgments on what the candidates are saying and their character.”

Barr then commended Zuckerberg, saying he applauds him for that and that he does not want Facebook to be “bullied by politicians to relinquish our treasured free speech under the First Amendment.” Instead, Barr urged Zuckerbergg, “Protect it, and don’t be bullied by politicians who want to censor politically incorrect speech.”
