
Alexander Hall | December 11, 2019

The video sharing platform and sister organization to Google may be cracking down on free speech -- this time under the guise of protecting users from “harassment.” YouTube’s Vice President and Global Head of Trust & Safety…

Alexander Hall | December 4, 2019

Dave Rubin has launched two platforms on the same day, which he believes could solve the free speech and censorship problem online.

In a Dec. 4 livestream, the host of the Rubin Report Dave Rubin described two platforms he created, Locals…

Corinne Weaver | December 4, 2019

YouTube defines itself as an “open video platform,” where videos that don’t break the rules are free to flourish. But a new blog from the company contradicts its own statement.

“The Fours Rs of Responsibility, Part…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

YouTube took down more than 300 ads from President Donald Trump’s election campaign in what is only the latest example of the company fighting with the right.

CBS News reportedly “found that over 300 video ads were taken down…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2019

60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl visited YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California to have a scorching interview with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki over free speech controversies online.

Stahl opened the episode by saying that…

Alexander Hall | November 11, 2019

The Internet’s biggest video hosting site can delete your account if your use of its service is no longer deemed “commercially viable.”

YouTube posted a terms of service update of new policies to take effect on December…

Corinne Weaver | November 11, 2019

CNN can’t even tell people whether naming the whistleblower is illegal. But tech companies are now the judge and jury for the common user.

Facebook and YouTube announced that they would delete content that named the whistleblower…

Alexander Hall | November 5, 2019

The Heritage Foundation released a video that blasts the biggest video platform on the net for alleged censorship.

This video is “the first public acknowledgment of a months-long, behind-the-scenes dispute” between the…

Corinne Weaver | October 24, 2019

Yet another social media study, this time from Penn State University, characterizes a group of YouTube creators as a threat.

The study, “A Supply and Demand Framework for YouTube Politics,” offers a new way to look at the “alternative…

Corinne Weaver | October 7, 2019

The liberal media are ready to redefine social media platforms as something only they can use freely. 

Harvard Kennedy School’s Joan Donovan and Data and Society head Danah Boyd wrote in a white paper that tech companies were…

Alexander Hall | September 30, 2019

Big Tech’s fear of clowns appears to be no laughing matter.

A YouTuber known as the Video Lexicographer released an installment of his “Video Dictionary,” a channel where “we explore the language and the words we…

Alexander Hall | September 11, 2019

[UPDATE: After backlash from his fans, Felix Kjellberg has stopped his plans to donate to the ADL] The most popular YouTuber on the platform is attempting to gain favor with the organization that wrote no company “has any obligation…

Corinne Weaver | September 4, 2019

Another member of the intellectual dark web has jumped into the world of tech development to circumvent censorship.

Dave Rubin, host of the popular podcast and YouTube show The Rubin Report, announced on September 3 that he was launching…

Alexander Hall | September 3, 2019

YouTube deplatformed tens of thousands of videos for being “hateful,” then defended its actions as “responsibility.” 

The blog post said the company balances the dual goals of that being “preserving free…

Alexander Hall | August 30, 2019

YouTube has been giving mixed messages about whether it is an open platform or not. The day after deplatforming multiple right-wing accounts, YouTube released a creator blog titled ”Preserving openness through responsibility.” It…

Alexander Hall | August 29, 2019

When is the best time to pretend to be a neutral and open platform? Probably not after banning several accounts for content. 

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki released a creator blog ”Preserving openness through responsibility…

Alexander Hall | August 28, 2019

Forget education. Now academics are mad that free speech YouTubers are turning students against liberal brainwashing. 

The Verge wrote on August 21, “As misinformation and hate continues to radicalize young people online,…

Alexander Hall | August 27, 2019

One conservative media outlet’s battle over free speech can shake up the country’s future.

On Tuesday August 27, PragerU held a press conference after their hearing at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals during the saga of…

Corinne Weaver | August 27, 2019

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs.

“Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “…

Corinne Weaver | August 26, 2019

Big Tech is preparing for a reckoning with justice in a court of law. 

PragerU, a conservative media outlet known for its academic videos that explain traditional values and beliefs, will argue its appeal in a federal court on August…