
Alec Schemmel | October 8, 2020

The Nation of Islam, led by notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, has lost its YouTube channel for violating the platform’s policy on hate speech. 

After announcing in 2019 that YouTube would remove videos and channels promoting…

Alec Schemmel | September 23, 2020

Just days after YouTube told the Financial Times it would rely less on automated systems and more on humans to moderate content, the platform made policy changes that do the exact opposite. 

Changes to the platform’s age-restriction…

Alec Schemmel | September 21, 2020

YouTube said it would revert back to using more human moderators to police speech across its platform after automation censored too much. The slated changes came after YouTube admitted to removing “the most videos we've ever removed in a single…

Alexander Hall | September 15, 2020

Only some experts are allowed to comment, apparently. That much was made clear when YouTube censored White House presidential advisor and Dr. Scott Atlas, M.D, for going against the World Health Organization’s narrative. 


Corinne Weaver | August 28, 2020

It seems ads promoting religion in America are just too “sensitive” for Google and YouTube to handle. 

A trailer for the upcoming documentary "America! America! God Shed His Grace on Thee!" was removed several times from Google and…

Kayla Sargent | August 26, 2020

When faced with the choice earlier this year, YouTube chose to censor more content on its platform during its second quarter than it had in any previous quarter.

YouTube reported that it removed twice as many videos in its second quarter…

Kayla Sargent | August 14, 2020

It’s a win for free speech. Conservative comedian and political commentator Steven Crowder will once again be allowed to draw ad revenue on his YouTube channel.

YouTube lifted the restrictions against Crowder on August 12, more than a…

Corinne Weaver | July 29, 2020

Big Tech companies claim to represent American values, but their business practices say otherwise.

The CEOs declared that they were American companies, then had to deal with numerous examples that undermined that patriotic claim. Before a…

NB Staff | July 29, 2020

Four prominent Big Tech CEOs are set to appear before a congressional subcommittee today, and we demand answers!

The CEOs of four of America’s largest Big Tech companies, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO…

Corinne Weaver | July 28, 2020

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all worked in concert to mass censor material from President Donald Trump, his son, Donald Trump Jr., and a Facebook event hosted by the Tea Party Patriots that involved doctors discussing COVID-19.


Heather Moon | July 7, 2020

YouTube finds that a video showing crimes committed by African-Americans against white people goes against its community standards. 

Conservative YouTuber and author Mark Dice tweeted a video compilation of black-on-white violence…

Alexander Hall, Heather Moon | June 19, 2020

YouTube censored a formerly transgender person who revealed the hazards of sex change operations and how they should not be pushed on children. 

YouTube removed a video from The Heritage Foundation’s YouTube channel, citing its “hate…

Corinne Weaver | June 15, 2020

YouTube users are reporting that any comments they make about violence at Black Lives Matter protests seem to disappear just seconds after they are posted. 

According to Reclaim the Net, a free speech tech website, using the phrase “…

Joseph Vazquez | June 5, 2020

One actress decided to do some genuine good to help those who have suffered from the riots.

The co-owner of The Valentine Deli Corp had recorded a now viral video showing the aftermath of the destruction done to her business. Her…

Corinne Weaver | May 26, 2020

YouTube is blocked in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But that doesn’t seem to stop the censorship of criticism about the CCP.

According to Palmer Luckey, the founder of tech companies Oculus and Anduril, YouTube deleted…

Alexander Hall | May 20, 2020

While clips will be available on his YouTube channel, world-famous podcast host Joe Rogan is moving his massively popular and free talk show exclusively to the Spotify platform.

“The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the most popular podcasts…

Corinne Weaver | May 8, 2020

The first half of the conspiracy documentary, Plandemic, was removed several times from YouTube, according to The Washington Post. Twitter and Facebook also made statements to other media outlets confirming that both platforms were suppressing…

Alexander Hall | May 1, 2020

Independent journalist and YouTuber Tim Pool appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast in late April, and scorched Big Tech for holding the media as reliable alternatives. “You know what the problem is? This idea of approved truth, what YouTube calls ‘…

Alexander Hall | April 29, 2020

YouTube’s fact-checking panels will now be launched in America after being tested in India.

YouTube’s chief product officer Neal Mohan, was quoted in The Verge’s April 28 coverage explaining that “When users are…

Corinne Weaver | April 29, 2020

A popular video featuring California emergency doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi was taken down by YouTube for “violating YouTube’s terms of service.”

Based on their own research, the hour-long conference asked,…