
Alec Schemmel | February 3, 2021

YouTube has removed video footage of a U.S. Senate hearing — at least the second time the platform has censored a Senate hearing.

YouTube took down “two videos of doctors testifying under oath,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) tweeted on January…

Alec Schemmel | January 28, 2021

YouTube said it removed more than 500,000 videos for violating its COVID-19 policies.

CEO Susan Wojcicki announced in a Jan. 26 blog that it removed over half a million videos under its COVID policies since February. The platform’s COVID-…

Alexander Hall | January 27, 2021

YouTube is the internet’s biggest video platform, and yet it appears to have allowed little room for conservative dissent.

YouTube initially suspended then-President Donald Trump’s official YouTube channel on January 12. Since then,…

Kayla Sargent | January 13, 2021

YouTube has joined Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok and even Shopify in censoring President Donald Trump.

The platform suspended Trump’s account “in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence.”

“1/ After…

Kayla Sargent | January 11, 2021

Despite the fact that Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok and even Shopify have all censored President Donald Trump, that still isn’t enough for some in the media. 

At least one media member in particular, CNN reporter Donie…

Alexander Hall | January 6, 2021

YouTube reversed its termination of a YouTube channel, casting further doubt on its ability to moderate consistently.

“YouTube has reinstated TalkRadio's channel on its platform hours after saying it had been ‘terminated’ for breaking the…

Heather Moon | January 4, 2021

Online platforms got to use their favorite tool in 2020 before and even after the election: censorship.

During one of several Senate hearings into Big Tech bias this year, even the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter could not name a single high…

Alexander Hall | December 21, 2020

Big Tech has eviscerated free speech on social media. There have been at least 25 famous, well-documented examples of when Big Tech companies censored conservatives, allegedly by mistake since August 7. 2018. 

Conservatives ranging…

Michael Morris | December 18, 2020

The man who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” suggested that if the United States is willing to put up with institutional tyranny, “[t]hen maybe we deserve Chinese Communism.”

Eric Weinstein opined that the United States might just…

Kayla Sargent | December 15, 2020

It’s been a rough few months for Big Tech with antitrust lawsuits against Google and Facebook, and the confirmation of Big Tech “Bias Hawk” Nathan Simmington as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Now, the Federal Trade Commission…

Alec Schemmel | December 14, 2020

In 2020, jokes aren’t even immune from Facebook censorship.

Anti-PC comedian JP Sears told his social media followers that Facebook is threatening to deplatform him. “Hey family, looks like my days here on Facebook are numbered,” Sears…

Craig Bannister | December 11, 2020

“This show will make news. I challenge YouTube to take this show off your site, off your platform,” iconic civil rights lawyer and Constitutional Scholar Alan Dershowitz said in the latest episode of The Dershow on his YouTube channel.…

Alexander Hall | December 9, 2020

YouTube has long past been done pretending to be neutral. But now the internet’s biggest video platform has proclaimed that there will be no questioning of the 2020 election going forward. 

“Adios free speech. The bannings are coming…

Alexander Hall | December 4, 2020

One America News Network (OAN) proclaimed that it will switch to Rumble, a free speech alternative to YouTube. 

OAN announced it has “decided to #MakeTheSwitch to #Rumble, where we can freely report the news without restrictions or…

Alexander Hall | November 25, 2020

YouTube is now attacking entire news channels such as One America News Network (OAN) for “misinformation.”

“YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off…

Alec Schemmel | November 24, 2020

YouTube thinks there is only one acceptable narrative on gender and sexuality — the leftist view. Discussions that question the narrative are “hate speech.”

YouTube deleted two gender-focused episodes of PragerU’s The Candace Owens Show.…

Kayla Sargent | November 16, 2020

Just as many conservatives are leaving Facebook and Twitter for Parler, some have also begun to leave YouTube for a different video-sharing platform.

The platform Rumble has experienced massive growth in the weeks following the election,…

Alexander Hall | November 12, 2020

Bloomberg News was outraged that a conservative news host expressed concern about alleged presidential election problems. The organization, owned by liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg, came out against “expressing views.”

Or at least…

Alec Schemmel | November 3, 2020

YouTube has removed a video of radical leftist organizers planning to confront public officials, vandalize government buildings and surround the White House if the election does not turn out the way they want.

Several activist groups,…

Corinne Weaver, Heather Moon | October 28, 2020

Big Tech’s major changes seem to have been made with a Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden presidency in mind. Four major firms have made a grand total of 26 policy changes since the start of 2020, aimed explicitly at election-related content.…