
Kayla Sargent | April 14, 2021

“Listen to the scientists!” the left has screamed during the entire pandemic. “But not those scientists!”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) blasted Google and YouTube for censoring a March 18 COVID-19 roundtable discussion with several…

Kayla Sargent | April 13, 2021

Big Tech censorship keeps getting worse. But the Media Research Center is fighting back, launching a new initiative encouraging lawmakers to refuse Big Tech’s political contributions.

MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the Free Speech…

Autumn Johnson | April 10, 2021

Justin Opinion, a popular YouTube channel that reviews guns, gears, and ammo, has been demonetized because YouTube deems the content “harmful.”

The channel has racked up more than 23 million total views and over 84,000 subscribers since…

Kayla Sargent | April 7, 2021

Congress has seen enough of YouTube allegedly exploiting children for monetary gain.

The House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy sent a letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and demanded answers for, and changes to, the…

Kayla Sargent | April 1, 2021

YouTube removed yet another faith-based channel as the platform continues its relentless assault on religious liberty. 

YouTube has a long history in deplatforming channels with dissenting opinions, and Christian media organization…

Kayla Sargent | March 31, 2021

Congress has remained locked in a stalemate over how to tackle Big Tech tyranny. Meanwhile, state governments have stepped up and decided to take matters into their own hands where the federal government has failed.

The partisan gridlock…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2021

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki declared that Former President Donald Trump would only be allowed back on the platform when YouTube says it’s safe. Don’t hold your breath.

“I do wanna confirm that we will lift the suspension of the channel, we…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2021

Former President Donald Trump’s powerful speech at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference has already been censored, according to Right Side Broadcasting Network. The outlet said that YouTube, the world’s largest video host, suspended…

Kayla Sargent | March 2, 2021

Iowa Republicans have decided to lay down the law against Big Tech censorship and have joined the growing list of state legislatures fighting against abuses by Big Tech.

Republican Iowa State Representatives Jon Jacobsen, Anne Osmundson,…

Heather Moon | February 25, 2021

A new Anti-Defamation League study labels conservative commentators and members of the “Intellectual Dark Web” as “gateways” to extremist content. 

The five authors of the Anti-Defamation League study titled “Exposure to Alternative…

Kayla Sargent | February 24, 2021

The war against free speech has spilled over from Big Tech and has now begun to rage in traditional media forums. The left has now sought to target conservative media in a congressional hearing today, but House Republicans were not having it.…

NB Staff | February 23, 2021

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and conservative leaders on Tuesday released a letter to the Attorneys General of the states calling for an investigation into whether Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are…

Casey Ryan | February 23, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. decided to lead the charge in combating Big Tech by joining YouTube alternative Rumble.

“It’s a platform that still believes in freedom of speech,” he said of his decision to use Rumble. “It’s not like so many of the…

Kayla Sargent | February 22, 2021

YouTube has, once again, cracked down on testimony that it decided was “misinformation” about COVID-19. 

The video-sharing platform removed a video featuring testimony from Thomas Renz, an attorney for the anti-lockdown advocacy…

Alexander Hall | February 22, 2021

YouTube has not stopped its censorious ways. Now the platform has torched a Newsmax interview with former President Donald Trump.

“YouTube took down a newly recorded interview with former President Donald Trump in Google’s latest…

Kayla Sargent | February 17, 2021

YouTube has reportedly censored another medical doctor for the cardinal sin of discussing COVID-19.

Dr. Drew Pinsky, known primarily as Dr. Drew, said that he was censored on YouTube, which has made him just the latest victim in YouTube’s…

Craig Bannister | February 16, 2021

Only one in nine U.S. likely voters are very confident that social media censor questionable content in a fair and unbiased way, while nearly half have no trust at all that it will do so, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

The national survey…

Kayla Sargent | February 11, 2021

Big Tech companies have doubled down in their efforts to suppress content they have deemed “misinformation” about COVID-19 and vaccinations. 

Facebook and YouTube have reportedly removed a video questioning the COVID-19 vaccine.…

Kayla Sargent | February 10, 2021

The YouTube censorship Gestapo has struck again. 

YouTube has reportedly entirely banned the pro-life group LifeSiteNews from the platform in its latest attempt to silence conservative voices. 

“YouTube just completely…

Kayla Sargent | February 8, 2021

The self-proclaimed truth overlords have struck again, lest anyone raise questions about possible election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. 

YouTube and Vimeo have removed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s documentary Absolute…