
Alexander Hall | March 13, 2019

While YouTube may publicly deny demoting videos based on their "specific political perspectives,” both right and left wing commentators have noticed a huge drop in recommendations. 

In February there has been a massive drop in…

Alexander Hall | March 8, 2019

A YouTube spokesperson told BuzzFeed that “[a]s part of our ongoing efforts to build a better news experience on YouTube, we are expanding our information panels to bring fact checks from eligible publishers to YouTube.” While this…

Alexander Hall | February 22, 2019

YouTube has taken decisive action to combat “any content — including comments — that endangers minors,” according to The Washington Post.

YouTube said it has deleted hundreds of channels and millions of comments…

Corinne Weaver | February 12, 2019

Twitter wants to regulate the kind of speech that’s allowed on its platform. But there will be some backlash from those who are banned.

On February 11, Canadian feminist journalist Meghan Murphy filed a lawsuit against Twitter.…

Alexander Hall | February 5, 2019

After numerous liberal videos have been downvoted by millions, YouTube is considering tactics to combat “dislike mobs.”

Embarrassing cases such as YouTube’s famous 2018 Rewind and Gillette’s “anti-male” commercial have proved that the…

Alexander Hall | January 29, 2019

YouTube announced it is restricting more videos — including “borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways.” The platform has a bad history of policing content.

YouTube posted in its company…

Alexander Hall | January 17, 2019

Two free speech YouTubers from the UK have been demonetized for unclear reasons.

U.K. free speech icons Tommy Robinson and Markus Meechan (aka Count Dankula) have both been financially cut off by YouTube, destroying their ability to make…

Alexander Hall | December 20, 2018

YouTube admitted it was militant about removing and censoring content this year. 

Between July and September, YouTube removed 58 million videos, 1.67 million channels, and 224 million comments for violations including inappropriate…

Alexander Hall | December 10, 2018

YouTube wants to celebrate its political bias. A whole year’s worth.

This annual YouTube Rewind, once praised as a homage to YouTube’s most influential creators, memes, and music, has become a left-wing politicized fiasco.…

Alexander Hall | November 16, 2018

A recent gaffe at YouTube has proved that human censors can be just as bad as robots at distinguishing between hate speech and satire.

This past Wednesday in November 2018, Youtube had to undo the removal of a satire video dating back to…

Gabriel Hays | September 19, 2018

A new study of YouTube exposed what it called a “conspiracy ecosystem” of content creators that tried to connect prominent conservatives with a well-known racist and package them together as “far-right” or “…

Corinne Weaver | August 9, 2018

YouTube has decided that its viewers and content creators are only allowed to believe what they decide is right — especially when it comes to climate change.

As reported by BuzzFeed, the video platform has begun “combating…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 11, 2018

On Monday, YouTube announced a $25 million investment in the “future of news.” According to its official blog, one of the three members of YouTube’s original working group is Vox Media, which runs liberal news site…

Julia A. Seymour | November 10, 2016

Former California governor, actor and anti-carbon crusader Arnold Schwarzenegger issued some harsh words for anyone who doesn’t want the Environmental Protection Agency regulating carbon dioxide.

In a recently…

Sam Dorman | May 18, 2016

PETA is at it again, getting down and dirty with its activism.

In a “Behind the Leather” video, PETA showed customers shopping for leather products, only to find grisly insides. The anti-leather products stunt was an effort to…