
Alexander Hall | April 28, 2020

While YouTube is relying on the hapless WHO to fight misinformation, the platform is clamping down on reports of potential treatments that are being developed.

There has been some controversy about an ultraviolet light-based treatment for…

Alexander Hall | April 27, 2020

Big Tech platforms have taken it upon themselves to police misinformation, but why are they glorifying the mistakes at the World Health Organization?

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki made a special appearance on Brian Stelter’s Reliable…

Alexander Hall | April 17, 2020

Are the liberal media truly concerned about online radicalization, or just salty because conservatives are better at YouTube?

New York Times reporter and columnist Kevin Roose has turned his wildly overhyped article “The Making of a…

Alexander Hall | April 13, 2020

It apparently took a lockdown for liberals to realize how badly they need to step up their game on YouTube.

With much of the country staying at home on their computers, liberals are flailing in their attempts to utilize the internet as…

Alexander Hall | March 19, 2020

Good news: Big Tech’s bots have not completely replaced tech workers yet. Bad news: The Big Tech bots were unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic.

Big Tech companies are struggling to properly moderate their platforms during this…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2020

The New York Times sees YouTube purges as a start, but still not good enough.

“YouTube’s efforts to curb conspiracy theories pose a major test of Silicon Valley’s ability to combat misinformation,” The Times…

Alexander Hall | March 3, 2020

YouTube has been overhauling its policies, and one result is clear: chances to successfully appeal your content once it has been removed are slim.

In YouTube’s latest Community Guidelines enforcement report spanning from Oct. to Dec…

Alexander Hall | February 28, 2020

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that YouTube may censor whomever it chooses, and is not bound by the First Amendment.

The ruling in Prager University v. Google dealt a blow to PragerU’s cause this past Wednesday,…

Alexander Hall | February 14, 2020

YouTube, once again, is doing everything it can to stop discussion about the alleged “whistleblower.”

YouTube removed a clip of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) of him speaking on the Senate floor, the National Review reported. In the…

Alexander Hall | February 13, 2020

The man whose complaints single handedly caused an entire adpocalypse on YouTube has returned to the platform to “flood its airwaves with leftist propaganda.”

Carlos Maza is leaving Vox to establish his own channel according…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2020

Far-left media outlet The Young Turks launched a new project to train a new generation of liberals to dominate local media -- all funded by Big Tech giant YouTube and its owner, Google.

Axios announced that the Cenk Uygur-founded…

Corinne Weaver | February 6, 2020

Do YouTube’s hate speech policies try to protect even demonic entities?

A video produced by The Catholic Talk Show entitled, “7 Secrets Catholic Exorcists Want You to Know,” was deleted by YouTube for violating hate…

Michael Morris | February 5, 2020

Republicans and Democrats do not tend to agree on a much these days, but both sides of the aisle have come together to agree on at least one thing -- neither trusts Big Tech.

Pew Research Center reported Jan. 29 on a survey of “12,…

Corinne Weaver | January 22, 2020

Two conservative outlets have complained that their livestreams of the Senate impeachment trial have been taken down—for no apparent reason.

Judicial Watch’s president, Tom Fitton, noted that the organization’s…

Alexander Hall | January 10, 2020

Want to be a successful YouTuber? Better bow down to diversity and inclusion demands and stop with your “unconscious bias.”

YouTube released a video blog “Create Inclusive Videos to Reach More Viewers” via its…

Corinne Weaver | January 6, 2020

The liberal media is sitting up and taking notice of what conservatives are doing -- and they aren’t happy about it.

The New York Times published a write-up about PragerU, a conservative video site founded by Dennis Prager, on Jan.…

Alexander Hall | December 30, 2019

One of the top YouTube creators, PewDiePie, warned that the site is under threat — from the very people who run it.

PewDiePie addressed questions from his fans in a December 28 video and questioned the future of the entire platform…

Alexander Hall | December 19, 2019
LGBTQ Privilege? YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the company consults with the LBGTQ community to make sure they don’t feel they are being censored. Wouldn’t it be nice if conservatives had such a seemingly favored group?  

Alexander Hall | December 16, 2019

Some content creators are concerned about the direction platforms are taking after recent policy change announcements. Will free speech be allowed on social media?

YouTube’s Vice President and Global Head of Trust & Safety Matt…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2019

As the hashtag “#youtubeisoverparty” trended following a YouTube policy update, Steven Crowder warned viewers and fellow creators their days on the platform may be numbered.

Yesterday, YouTube’s Vice President and Global…