2024 Presidential

Tom Olohan, Gabriela Pariseau | June 28, 2024

President Biden trotted out a debunked smear against former President Donald Trump during their CNN debate last night. MRC Free Speech America had to press ChatGPT to admit Biden’s deception. 

After the debate, which was moderated by…

Joseph Vazquez | June 28, 2024

The New York Times’s dry economic comedy specialist Paul Krugman gave new meaning to the term “doublespeak” when he drooled over President Joe Biden's supposed star-spangled awesomeness while telling him at the same time to make like a banana and…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 28, 2024

Et tu, Elon? X restricted one of former President Donald Trump’s campaign accounts during the CNN 2024 presidential debate Thursday. X users reported finding warning labels when they attempted to view the “Trump War Room” account within 20…

Joseph Vazquez | June 27, 2024

CNN drooled over the news that 16 leftist “Nobel” economists came out swinging in a letter against President Donald Trump’s economic agenda, labeling it as  — wait for it — an “inflation” threat. The network left out key context that blew up…

Luis Cornelio | June 26, 2024

The Media Research Center and members of the Free Speech Alliance coalition have issued a strong warning to the leaders of the five largest telecommunications companies in the U.S.: You must not censor Americans in advance of the 2024…

Joseph Vazquez | June 26, 2024

It’s a bad day for free speech. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the government may continue to pressure Big Tech companies to censor speech it disapproves of, and dissenting Justice Samuel Alito tore the outrageous decision apart.…

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2024

NBC News is having a nervous breakdown over the Biden administration not doing enough to fight so-called “domestic disinformation” before the 2024 election.

“The Biden admin has no firm plan to call out domestic disinformation in the 2024…

Catherine Salgado | June 18, 2024

A Biden campaign spokeswoman went on MSNBC to whine that more censorship is necessary to protect Democrat Joe Biden ahead of the 2024 election.

When Biden was caught on video disorientedly ambling away from other G7 leaders in Italy, only…

Luis Cornelio | June 13, 2024

The Associated Press reported that unnamed U.S. intelligence officials are recycling a familiar narrative ahead of the 2024 election, claiming without evidence that the upcoming presidential election is a target for foreign disinformation…

Catherine Salgado | June 11, 2024

Podcast host Tucker Carlson critiqued tech giant Google’s oppressive policies against free speech.

In a new interview with The Federalist, Carlson expressed his satisfaction at being set to do a live arena tour in 15 cities, precisely…

Joseph Vazquez | June 5, 2024

Remember how President Joe Biden’s henchmen in the media peppered the American people with around-the-clock propaganda about how star-spangled awesome the Biden economy supposedly was because of jobs growth? A new report just blew apart that…

Luis Cornelio | May 16, 2024

Leftist billionaire George Soros is “behind an all-out effort to shut down” free speech in the United States, MRC President Brent Bozell declared on Thursday.

Bozell’s scorching remarks came in response to an MRC report that exposed Soros…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2024

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider blew the lid off the gargantuan election interference that leftist Big Tech platforms have been engaging in for years.

During the May 13 edition of The Unusual Suspects podcast , host…

Joseph Vazquez | May 15, 2024

A massive effort spearheaded by a censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to juice their censorship operations before the 2024 U.S. presidential…

Christian Baldwin | May 7, 2024

UPDATE: After the publication of this piece, Facebook a Meta spokesperson responded to MRC Free Speech America's request for comment saying "The link was mistakenly blocked and was quickly restored once the issue was discovered."

Meta has…

Gabriela Pariseau | May 6, 2024

Google is back to its old censorship tricks, leaving no room for MAGA sense of humor.

Last Friday, Google made some waves on X when it was caught censoring an ad supporting former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign multiple times.…

Joseph Vazquez | April 24, 2024

The Washington Post’s in-house crybully Taylor Lorenz apparently only seems to care about Big Tech when its policies affect leftists’ ability to spread their off-the-rails agitprop all over the social media landscape. 

Meta announced…

MRC Staff | April 22, 2024

The Media Research Center wants the Federal Communications Commission to know: “The Communications Act does not contain a special Soros shortcut.”

Today, the Media Research Center (MRC) and its president, Brent Bozell, filed a formal…

Joseph Vazquez | April 4, 2024

Syndicated radio host Mark Levin tore into prominent CNN Biden flack Dana Bash for trying to gaslight viewers on the dangers of the White House censorship regime.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told CNN anchor…

Craig Bannister | March 28, 2024

Democrat voters are the least worried that the government will use the guise of fighting misinformation and hate speech to censor political dissent on the Internet and social media, a new national survey reveals.

Nearly half (47…