2024 Presidential

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are doing everything they can to cover for President Joe Biden. They buried a major poll showing former President Donald Trump completely decimating Biden on the economy amongst voters.

A Marquette…

Luis Cornelio | October 5, 2023

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey took a victory lap after an appellate court rebuked a Biden-led agency’s apparent role in violating the First Amendment.

Bailey eviscerated the deep state censors on Fox News’s Ingraham Angle on…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2023

Apparently The Washington Post’s in-house fact-butcher Glenn Kessler hasn’t learned his lesson. He regurgitated one of his already-debunked arguments spinning inflation data to protect President Joe Biden.

Kessler used the second GOP…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 27, 2023

Google’s artificial intelligence tool seems to have a mind of its own about who the popular 2024 presidential candidates are.

MRC Free Speech America researchers asked Google’s AI chatbot Bard to “Rank the 2024 presidential candidates”…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 27, 2023

Is Google shilling for Biden? It appears so, as its search engine once again buried Republican “presidential campaign websites.” 

Google's search engine failed to produce even-handed results in multiple searches performed by MRC…

Joseph Vazquez | September 26, 2023

Government colluding with Big Tech and leftist academia to target and censor Americans? No problem! The Washington Post argues that the bigger issue is the GOP daring to fight against the left’s Orwellian efforts to combat so-called “…

Joseph Vazquez | September 13, 2023

The tone-deaf hacks at The New York Times treated an expected spike in inflation as a problem because … Republicans could potentially pounce on the development to criticize President Joe Biden. Yes, the leftist rag actually did that.


Joseph Vazquez | September 11, 2023

Former President Donald Trump blasted leftist billionaire George Soros’s extremist heir for pledging to use his father’s ungodly fortune to interfere in the 2024 election.

Alex Soros wrote an op-ed for Politico refuting any notion that…

Joseph Vazquez | August 30, 2023

Apparently the plebeians supporting the candidates of their choice with small dollar donations represent a major problem for American society. At least, that’s what a condescending New York Times columnist argued.

Thomas Edsall, who…

Joseph Vazquez | August 24, 2023

The Washington Post’s third-rate “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler butchered the facts when he claimed that the sky-high inflation brought on by Bidenomics barely made a dent in Americans’ spending power. Economists interviewed by MRC Business were…

Tom Olohan | August 23, 2023

George Soros did not attend the Republican Presidential Primary, but that didn’t stop DeSantis from airing out the billionaire’s dirty laundry. 

Republican 2024 presidential candidates duked it out on the debate stage Wednesday,…

NB Staff | August 5, 2023

MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider ripped apart the leftist media echo chamber for trying to bury the worsening bribery scandal plaguing President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

“I lived in China in 1988 and 1989 when the Tiananmen…

Heather Moon | August 3, 2023

Big Tech’s continued censorship of free speech on platforms creates real-world harm, not just to the users being censored, but to anyone who should have seen the censored messages. Nowhere is that more clear than when Big Tech platforms either…

Joseph Vazquez | July 19, 2023

The New York Times' blowhard economics writer Paul Krugman apparently didn’t sense the stupidity in pontificating to readers about the supposed need to “politicize” the weather. Yes, you read that right.

Krugman took a pit stop from…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell joined Fox Business to unveil a new study unearthing the unhinged radicalism of leftist billionaire George Soros’ newly crowned heir to his $25 billion-dollar empire.

“George Soros has always been…

Luis Cornelio | July 10, 2023

A leading 2024 presidential candidate promised to abolish the Big Tech-Government censorship collusion regime if elected.

In a Sunday interview on the Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) pledged…

Heather Moon | May 26, 2023

Anti-free speech Big Tech platform LinkedIn has already interfered in the 2024 presidential election.

Last week, Microsoft-owned platform LinkedIn silenced Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy over his statements on climate…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2023

Anyone who tries to claim OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an apolitical artificial intelligence tool is selling the American people a bill of goods, especially in light of the chatbot whipping out the pom-poms for President Joe Biden.

MRC Free…

Joseph Vazquez | May 5, 2023

A new study just obliterated any doubts that Microsoft’s Bing is just as leftist and radical as its top competitor Google.

Media solutions company AllSides conducted a new analysis over a two-week period (March 9-22, 2023) finding that a…

Joseph Vazquez | May 1, 2023

The so-called ‘Biden boom’ that New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has repeatedly foretold clearly never materialized. Now, he’s desperately trying to move the goalposts.

Krugman’s April 27 headline said it all: “Joe Biden…