2024 Presidential

Christian Baldwin | March 26, 2024

Syndicated radio host Dan Bongino scorched 60 Minutes for its latest hot take on “misinformation” before the 2024 election and pointed out that the network was not exactly reputed for being truthful.

Bongino addressed a recent 60…

Christian Baldwin | March 20, 2024

Syndicated radio host Dan Bongino had quite a bit to say about Big Tech behemoth Google, warning that the company presented a dire threat to the ability of voters to get access to true information. 

Bongino wielded MRC Free…

Joseph Vazquez | March 18, 2024

The Old Gray Lady continues to behave like a Karen triggered by people’s ability to express their opinions about elections freely online. Darn that pesky free speech!

The New York Times effectively wrote what amounted to a 3,984-word…

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2024

The Washington Post economics columnist Catherine Rampell seemed to forget a rule of thumb when analyzing polls: read the crosstabs. Either that or she deliberately twisted data to make it seem like Americans are happier with President Joe Biden’…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2024

“Be Evil” should be Google’s new motto these days. The anti-free speech Big Tech giant has continued its sordid habit of suppressing right-leaning media sources while inundating users with left-leaning content.

A new analysis from media…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2024

One of ABC’s legendary Shark Tank investors dismantled the logic behind a radical judge’s asinine ruling against former President Donald Trump.

Kevin O’Leary — a.k.a “Mr. Wonderful” — called the ruling by leftist New York Supreme Court…

Joseph Vazquez | February 8, 2024

ESPN First Take host Stephen A. Smith has had enough of the leftist economic policies exacerbating Americans’ struggles to stay afloat amidst high prices and an unsustainable cost of living crisis.

Smith took particular aim at news…

Joseph Vazquez | February 5, 2024

The New York Times kicked its pro-Bidenomics Pravda into overdrive as the U.S. gears up for a contentious presidential election this year.

“The Economy Looks Sunny, a Potential Gain for Biden,” read the latest headline spin from Times…

Joseph Vazquez | January 31, 2024

The Economist was either trying to have a good sense of humor or was really just dropping serious acid when it celebrated Bidenomics as basically an incomplete, pro-government stroke of genius that just needs four more years to be perfected.…

Tom Olohan | January 31, 2024

Leftist Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella made clear in an interview on artificial intelligence (A.I.) that Microsoft will be fixated on fighting so-called disinformation in the 2024 election.

Nadella told NBC anchor Lester Holt on the Jan. 30…

Joseph Vazquez | January 11, 2024

It’s unclear anymore whether New York Times propagandist-in-chief Paul Krugman actually believes the pro-Bidenomics psycho-babble he spits out or if he’s just trolling at this point.

Krugman tried bridging the gap between his illusion of…

Joseph Vazquez | January 3, 2024

The New York Times employed two of their Bidenomics-shilling flunkies to harp on why the president’s decrepit economy is actually great and the disgruntled voters are just dumb for not buying it.

Times columnists Paul Krugman and Peter…

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2023

The New York Times beclowned itself by twisting the results from its own poll to suppress the reality that Americans are frustrated with President Joe Biden largely because his economy stinks. 

The latest Times/Sienna poll of 1,016…

Craig Bannister | December 15, 2023

Liberal media are declaring Bidenomics a success – but, hard numbers tell a much different story, regardless of whether the measure is how much Americans are paying, earning or saving.

Gas prices:

While gas prices held steady…


George Soros — the most notorious leftist billionaire in American politics — has chosen a successor to take over his $25-billion nonprofit empire. Thirty-seven-year-old Alex Soros is replacing his father and, based on…

Joseph Vazquez | November 14, 2023

Ultimate Fighting Championship CEO Dana White joined the This Past Weekend podcast and reminisced about where he told a woke corporate sponsor who didn’t like his pro-Trump social media post to shove it.

White clearly had it with woke…

Joseph Vazquez | November 7, 2023

Leftist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations finally released a statement condemning Hamas’ hellish attacks on Israel nearly three-and-a-half weeks after the Oct. 7 massacre. However, it did so while trying to make believe that the…

Luis Cornelio | November 3, 2023

Editor’s Note: All major 2024 candidates polling above one percent nationally across the spectrum — Republicans, independents, and Democrats — have been invited to participate in similar sit-downs. Our offers remain on the table.


Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2023

American voters continue to repudiate the media’s seemingly never-ending attempts to slap lipstick on the grotesque pig that is Bidenomics.

Morning Consult and Bloomberg News released their latest survey Oct. 19 of 5,023…

Joseph Vazquez | October 16, 2023

The New York Times hyped up an eco-extremist group with ties to leftist billionaire George Soros that is scheming to unleash tens of millions of dollars to ensure President Joe Biden’s reelection in 2024.

The Times praised on Oct. 16 how…