August 24, 2005
As residents of New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast begin to
pick themselves up from a devastating natural disaster, theyre
finding lots of hands reaching out to help. Ordinary Americans and…
August 24, 2005
Tea leaves and global warming: there is no end to unintended
entertainment by activists. Keep those tea leaves at hand. Its
always show time and the media are there to trumpet the style and…
August 24, 2005
Recent discussions about housing prices show confusion about what
makes for correct prices. The market sets prices that are correct
when the quantity that people demand of a good or service is equal…
August 17, 2005
Ive been telling people around the country for months that they
must think all of us are stupid. Usually, someone will come up and
ask me about the mysterious they. Its a simple answer they are…
June 27, 2005
Books about tax policy arent supposed to be interesting or
controversial. Theyre reliably dry, long, confusing, and heavy with
jargon and convoluted graphs. Fortunately, the tax debate is about…
May 19, 2005
According to the most recent
Washington Post /ABC poll, President Bushs plan to restructure
the Social Security system has lost public support. What the poll
doesnt tell you is that the network news has…
January 24, 2005
Some funny things can happen when political activism mixes with
corporate operations. Corporations and their officers routinely
contribute to Republican and Democratic political campaigns and
causes, but…
January 7, 2005
The holidays are over and millions have resolved to lose the
weight we just gained. As we head into the new year, the major media
will make you think twice about the whole concept of holiday
stuffing. How…
June 7, 2006
When most people hear the word Enron, they mentally complete the
phrase by adding the word scandal. As reporter Lester Holt of
NBCs Today put it in a January 1 story, Enron has been the
May 31, 2006
Paying taxes is one of the least enjoyable things in life. But all
taxes arent equal. Some fund pork or programs the government has no
business being involved with. Others genuinely provide for the…