November 16, 2005
The climate is changing right before our very eyes. Its not the
weather Im talking about its the media climate.
On Sunday, November 14, Fox News set aside its status
as the best network…
November 15, 2005
In his November 14 Washington Post column, Sebastian Mallaby
released what must have been hours of pent up frustration about
everything from inequality in the United States to legislators…
November 9, 2005
History has proven the efficacy of market capitalism in producing
wealth for the masses. The fall of the Soviet Union, the movement of
China and India to market economies, and the influx of immigrants…
November 1, 2005
One of the great things about America is that a small businessman
may wake up one day and find himself a multimillionaire, if he takes
some risks and works hard. Its that dream that starts businesses…
October 26, 2005
The health care community is worried about the chance of a deadly
flu outbreak. This isnt just the media trying to scare us to death.
Medical professionals are genuinely concerned and it shows. While…
October 19, 2005
The presidents tax panel is close to issuing its recommendations,
but we already know enough of the result to call it a failure. The
panel is missing an opportunity to fix a system that everyone in…
October 5, 2005
In the aftermath of the hurricane destruction caused by Katrina and
Rita, much has been made about government plans for the
reconstruction of New Orleans. While this may seem to be a…
October 5, 2005
Good ideas are hard to come by especially in Washington. But a
good idea can stand the test of time, and it can weather the assault
of its critics if it gets the opportunity to prove itself…
September 14, 2005
As with nearly every other major natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina
resulted in short-term higher prices and cries of price-gouging by
politicians and those who are not familiar with how the market…
September 9, 2005
As we watch the coverage of the hurricane story, it should be a
reminder of the power a mere few people can exercise each day to
influence the opinions of millions of viewers worldwide.