September 15, 2016
When it comes to covering the economy under President Obama, the broadcast networks have a habit of covering good economic news, but glossing over or ignoring bad economic news.
It turns out coverage of income and poverty data from the Census got…
February 5, 2018
When the Dow Jones Industrial Average “nosedived” by nearly 666 points on Feb. 2, it got plenty of network attention. In fact, it got more coverage than the two huge Dow milestones that preceded it — combined.
Although that one-…
February 6, 2018
While the early February 2018 market pullback has spooked some investors and already gained plenty of media attention, it illustrated all too well the broadcast networks’ tendency to cover bad economic news more than good. The networks skipped…
March 12, 2018
February job gains came in at a whopping 313,000 new jobs, so much that NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt acknowledged it “blows away economists’ expectations.” The Wall Street Journal said expectations were at only 205,000.…
April 23, 2018
The Federal Reserve and the Conference Board both issued positive progress reports about the U.S. economy last week. Neither got a peep from the broadcast networks on those days.
In fact, on April 18 and 19, the evening news broadcasts on ABC…
June 26, 2018
Once again, the broadcast networks have proven they care more about economic news that makes President Donald Trump look bad, than stories that make him look good.
On June 25, CNBC reported that its All-America Economic Survey found “more…
November 2, 2018
With the election looming, the addition of a quarter million new jobs in October, grabbed headlines. But NBC Nightly News gave more than twice as much attention to the hot topic of celebrating Hollywood’s movie rating system.
On Nov. 2, the…