Krugman Revives ‘Zombie’ NY Daily News Headline to Accuse McConnell of Telling States to ‘Drop Dead’
April 24, 2020
Liberal New York Times economist Paul Krugman needed to dip into the graveyard of famous newspaper headlines to spit childish hyperbole at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Krugman went #PeakWoke at McConnell’s suggestion that…
May 12, 2020
Economist and member of the Save Our Country Task Force Stephen Moore came out swinging against neglecting the economy further amidst the ongoing pandemic.
After noting that over 200,000 people worldwide, and over 70,000 Americans, have died from…
June 9, 2020
The editor of the socialist policy-loving Financial Times Roula Khalaf thinks that capitalism needs to change.
British Vogue did a puffy interview headlined “‘Capitalism Needs A Reset’: The First Female Editor Of The Financial Times Is A Level-…
June 12, 2020
CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.
Cuomo attacked Trump’s Director of the United States National…
July 13, 2020
Elites are literally begging world governments to raise taxes on the wealthy in a pathetic attempt to appear generous.
In a letter headlined, “Millionaires for Humanity,” liberal progressive signatories like Disney heiress and Emmy-winning director…
July 20, 2020
Conservatism should no longer be the standard for business journalism. At least that’s what a loopy op-ed by Quartz Editor-In-Chief Katherine Bell suggested.
Bell’s op-ed was headlined, “It’s time for business journalism to break with its…
July 24, 2020
One Fox Business host is letting the Joe Biden camp know what he thinks about his massive leftist spending plans. And he ripped them apart.
Fox Business’s Stuart Varney hammered presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on spending. He targeted…
August 7, 2020
Economist Stephen Moore shot back at liberals and media acolytes triggered at a Wall Street Journal op-ed he co-wrote calling for President Donald Trump to suspend the payroll tax for the rest of the year.
Moore addressed his article’s core…
August 12, 2020
MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi tried to twist Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s remarks to NBC’s Today in March to claim that conservatives have a “fetish” about debt.
Filling in for the insufferable Chris Hayes on the Monday edition…
October 4, 2021
Things just keep getting worse for the liberal media in their efforts to insulate President Joe Biden and his party’s onerous $3.5 trillion budget bill from criticism. Americans are seeing right through the propaganda.
A new poll of 1,076 likely…