Ive been telling people around the country for months that they
must think all of us are stupid. Usually, someone will come up and
ask me about the mysterious they. Its a simple answer they are
any political party, politician or member of the news media who
underestimate the American public.
Political parties are supposed to take sides and be
partisans. Thats the system. The news media are another story or
at least they should be. But their coverage of the Bush economy
reads like a collection of Democratic Party press releases, calling
a strong economy everything from struggling to volatile or
dicey. In a brand-new analysis of that news coverage, nearly two
thirds of all economic stories were negative. And the numbers only
get worse from there.
Digging deeper, its easy to see how many of the
positive stories really were undermined by negative news. Strong
employment stories were filled with the medias party line oil or
gasoline price hikes, layoffs and fears about the housing boom.
Economic growth was usually mentioned briefly, while negative
stories received much more air time.
Recently, reporters have been saying President Bush
isnt getting any benefit from the good economy. The Aug. 7
Washington Post explained that Bush was trying to stir up
enthusiasm about the economy an issue where his poll numbers are
low despite encouraging signs about jobs and the pace of economic
As TVs Gomer Pyle used to say, Surprise! Surprise!
Surprise! The media barely conceal their glee when they report
falling poll numbers for the president. The real story is why
Americans view the economy as bad or worse when the opposite is
true. Twenty-six straight months of positive job creation. More than
3.5 million new jobs. An unemployment rate of just 5.0 percent.
Strong economic growth and low inflation. No matter which network
you watch that message is buried.
The Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute took a
hard look at how the broadcast networks have covered the economy
during Bushs second term. The three evening news shows on ABC, CBS
and NBC filled their broadcasts with what looked like promos for the
Disney movie Chicken Little instead of economic news.
In the detailed analysis, youll find 62 percent of the news stories
were negative. Whats more, nearly half of the positive economic
stories were undermined by negative news. Negative stories receiving
the same treatment made up less than 13 percent of the total.
While none of the newscasters said the sky was falling,
they did their best to pretend. When Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan
came out and said the economy was strong, CBS did man on the street
interviews to pretend the opposite was true. On May 3, ABCs Betsy
Stark predicted the new job numbers would be out soon and the only
question was how bad a hit the economy would take. When those
numbers came in higher than predicted, nobody at ABC seemed to
recall the networks cloudy crystal ball.
I wish that was all. Its not. You could write a book
just on how poor the coverage has been of the alleged housing
bubble. The media have been foretelling a massive bust in housing
prices for months now. On May 19, ABCs Elizabeth Vargas said: The
run up in housing prices is now beginning to look something like the
boom in Internet stocks, and we know what happened there. That kind
of ignorance makes homeowners fear that their most expensive
possession could turn worthless overnight.
That wont happen. No matter how much the media
compared Bush to Herbert Hoover last year, this is not the Great
Depression. Now theyve given up on that failed comparison, but
their coverage of the president has gotten worse.
Look at how Ron Insana from NBC Nightly News
interviewed President Bush on April 18: Its been five years since
we hit the all-time highs for the Dow Jones industrial average or
the Nasdaq. Someone joked earlier that, you know, the bad news is
the stock market is going down. The good news is that my Social
Security money isnt in there.
When I saw that, I was almost speechless. Its amazing
our family TV survives one week of that kind of slanted coverage
without someone throwing it out the window. But throwing it out
isnt the answer. Only viewers can bring pressure to bear to end
this economic spin cycle. Until we all demand more accurate
coverage, the media will continue to think that we are stupid.
* * *
This is the first issue of a brand new weekly newsletter,
Balance Sheet. It is produced by the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute (BMI) with the goal of improving understanding of our
free enterprise system. The easiest way to improve that
understanding is to help those who report on Americas most
important system its free market system.
Im honored to serve as National Chairman for BMI because it
combines economic education with a platform to hold the media
accountable for the way they report business and economic news. This
isnt an attempt to simply bash the media. We all make mistakes.
This is a way to help correct those errors and even prevent them
before they can occur.
Sometimes, as the analysis in this issue shows, the problems are too
profound to tolerate. Thats when the Business & Media Institute will hold
the media to account and demand improvement more complete
coverage, less slanted reporting.
The Business & Media Institute is there to assist. It is designed to help
journalists and businesspeople embrace the benefits of the free
enterprise system.
On a personal note, I ask you to share this e-mail with your
friends, co-workers and family. By
signing up, every new subscriber
gains access to a Special Report describing in detail problems of
poor business reporting, as well as offering solutions for improved
I urge you to
sign up if you have not yet done so.
You will be happy that you did.
# # #
Herman Cain is the former president and CEO of Godfathers Pizza,
Inc. and currently is Chief Executive Officer and President of T.H.E.
New Voice, Inc., a business and leadership consulting company. He is
the National Chairman of the Business & Media Institute.
Commentary: The Media Say the Economy Is Horrible, So It Must Be True
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