March 15, 2006
The media love stories about the gap between the rich and poor in
America. But they rarely explore that gap, why it exists, and what
it means.
It is an interesting question whether a…
March 8, 2006
Rather than a modern-day Paul Revere, Lou Dobbs sounded more like a
black helicopter conspiracy theorist as he warned viewers of his
March 7 program about the British owning American airports. But weeks…
March 8, 2006
The potential for an avian flu pandemic is something were
constantly asked about at the American Council on Science and
Health. It doesnt help that headlines constantly blare about
March 1, 2006
The pounding waves and 165-mph winds announced the arrival of
Hurricane Hugo in September 1989. Hugo battered the East Coast,
costing $8 billion and taking 50 lives.
Now a new Hugo is…
February 23, 2006
Its turn-back-the-clock day in the mainstream media and on Capitol
Hill. While polyester and Depeche Mode are far from the rage in
Congressional chambers and newsrooms, an overzealous fear of foreign…
February 22, 2006
Every class has that straight-A student who studies, aces all his
tests and wins all the academic awards. Other students start to envy
him, but the smart students try to learn from him. Hes just working…
February 8, 2006
One of the most obvious dividing lines between old and young is the
ability to recall free television. To anyone who has grown up in an
era of cable and satellite TV, the concept of a handful of channels…
February 8, 2006
President Bush, in his State of the Union speech, said America was
addicted to oil and the federal government would use billions of
tax dollars to pursue alternative energy sources. Rather than…
February 1, 2006
How much credit does Alan Greenspan deserve for Americas economic
success over the past 18 years? Answer: a lot, but nowhere near all.
I mean no slight to Mr. Greenspan. Indeed, the…
January 18, 2006
Ford and now DaimlerChrysler are the latest companies to take the
layoff route to try and save their corporate skins. We watch our TVs
day after day as the numbers add up 7,000, 20,000, 30,000…