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Autumn Johnson | October 8, 2022

Has PayPal joined team censorship? The payment processing platform claimed a clause in its user agreement listing a fine for promoting so-called “misinformation” was posted “in error.”

Fox Business reported Saturday that the company…

Catherine Salgado | October 7, 2022

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) is trying to defend its work with the government to censor Americans before and after the 2020 election, an activity that it has not abandoned.

In a statement, EIP defended its work to allow…

Jeffrey Clark | October 7, 2022

Twitter users slammed the elitist head of a Google-, Meta- and Microsoft-funded think tank calling domestic manufacturing a “fetish” for white men “with low education.”

Journalists and commentators from across the political spectrum on…

Paiten Iselin | October 7, 2022

Global elites think they’re smarter than you. And they’re actively working with Big Tech platforms to control what you see and say online.

A few weeks ago, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held a “Tackling Disinformation” panel.…

Autumn Johnson | October 6, 2022

Twitter has reportedly declined Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s renewed offer to purchase the platform for $44 billion in an effort to keep the trial going.

ABC News reported Thursday that the Tesla CEO’s attorneys claim that the company “will not…

Autumn Johnson | October 6, 2022

Twitter enabled a new program on Thursday as a new way for the platform to address what it calls "misleading information" in tweets by allowing certain users to apply reviews.

In a series of tweets, the company said the program would be “…

Catherine Salgado | October 6, 2022

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may have officially shut down its “Disinformation Governance Board,” but it continues to pour millions of dollars into fighting so-called “misinformation”--and restricting free speech.…

Jeffrey Clark | October 6, 2022

Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg is continuing his war with the American oil and gas industry amidst an energy crisis and is willing to dish out tens of millions of dollars to wage it.

“Beyond Petrochemicals will partner with…

Joseph Vazquez | October 6, 2022

Google showed users how much it supports Warner Bros. taking the classic Scooby-Doo TV series and turning one of its core characters into a rainbow mafia symbol of the woke left.

The New York Times slobbered in an Oct. 5 story that the…

Jeffrey Clark | October 5, 2022

Many of the biggest and baddest companies in the United States have signed on to a far-left, radical agenda under pressure from the anti-American environmental, social and governance — or ESG — movement. 

ESG standards are a new,…

Jeffrey Clark | October 5, 2022

An executive at a group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is a radical leftist who has supported defunding the police. She has since been tapped to become vice chair of the Biden Treasury Department’s brand-new racial equity committee.…

Craig Bannister | October 5, 2022

Following Tuesday’s news that billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s original offer to buy Twitter had been accepted by both parties to the deal, prominent conservatives began tweeting complaints that they had suddenly lost thousands of…

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2022

Leave it to the leftist hacks at Mother Jones to wield a George Soros-funded group to wokescold American businesses that donated to those darn 2020 GOP “election deniers.”

Mother Jones railed in an Oct. 3 story headlined “Corporate…

Catherine Salgado | October 5, 2022

American Big Tech platforms Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube allow the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia to spread their anti-American propaganda and lies online to nearly a billion followers. Meanwhile, these same platforms…

Autumn Johnson | October 4, 2022

Liberals are having an epic meltdown on Twitter after the platform reportedly reached an agreement with Tesla CEO Elon Musk for Musk to finally acquire the platform.

A letter filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by…

Catherine Salgado | October 4, 2022

Three major medical organizations just called on Big Tech platforms to censor, and the Justice Department to prosecute, social media users who object to so-called “gender-affirming care” for children.

The American Medical Association (AMA…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2022

The world’s richest man just shattered the internet again by reportedly agreeing to proceed with his $44 billion acquisition deal for Twitter.

Bloomberg News reported that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is now “proposing to buy Twitter Inc. for the…

Jeffrey Clark | October 4, 2022

The liberal media politicized the deaths of at least 87 people in Florida by blaming the destruction of Hurricane Ian on one their favorite boogeyman — man-made climate change. 

NBC reported that the “number of fatalities in…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2022

Politico appears to believe that the mountains of cash that taxpayers dish out to the federal government belong to President Joe Biden’s own “wallet.”

The liberal outlet tried to go after Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for being a…

Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

The Republican National Committee told MRC Free Speech America on Monday that Gmail suppressed over 22 million GOP get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails Wednesday through Friday.

Gmail sent more than 3.1 million RNC emails to users’…