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Jeffrey Clark | October 24, 2022

Elitist New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman whined that high gas prices could doom Democratic Party chances in the midterms, just 15 days away. So much for Americans struggling to make ends meet as long as the correct party’s in power…

Autumn Johnson | October 23, 2022

A federal court has ordered depositions of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci and other former Biden officials in a lawsuit that could have a lasting impact on free speech online.

Missouri Attorney…

Gabriela Pariseau | October 21, 2022

The Meta-funded, yet allegedly “independent,” Oversight Board reared its woke, globalist head again with its list of pretentious goals and “priorities” moving forward. 

Meta’s Oversight Board identified “seven strategic priorities…

Autumn Johnson | October 20, 2022

Elon Musk will reportedly eliminate around 5,500 Twitter employees when his acquisition of the company is complete.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Musk’s purchase is a “golden ticket for the struggling company” that will “…

Autumn Johnson | October 20, 2022

Google is once again accused of manipulating users and their data for the company’s own gain.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleged in a lawsuit Thursday that Google collected biometric data without user consent. A press release from…

Paiten Iselin | October 20, 2022

The U.S. midterm elections are just around the corner and the legacy media have donned their activist hats. The liberal media have been calling on social media platforms to more actively combat so-called “misinformation” online.


Jeffrey Clark | October 20, 2022

A wildly pro-abortion columnist for The New York Times scolded Americans for daring to abandon so-called leftist “principles” when a bad economy eats into their “pocketbooks.”

“I have seen repeatedly how people abandon their principles…

Jeffrey Clark | October 20, 2022

CNBC aired a fawning, 10-minute-long, Soviet-style interview with leftist billionaire Bill Gates on raising capital to combat climate change and promote the woke environmental, social and governance (ESG) regime across America. The two-star CNBC…

Gabriela Pariseau | October 20, 2022

Even the CEO of “The Advisory Counsel, LLC” which openly promotes leftist ideals warned against the dangers of communist Chinese government-tied TikTok.

The former international communications attorney for the Federal Communications…

Brian Bradley | October 19, 2022

Big Tech has a vice-grip over how Americans speak and interact politically, and tech platforms’ censorship begs for some sort of “public policy answer.”

That’s according to Saurabh Sharma, president of American Moment, an organization…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2022

A Johns Hopkins University economist wasn’t having any of has-been comedian Jon Stewart’s gaslighting over the true source of America’s inflation crisis: a drastically inflated money supply.

Economist Steve Hanke joined the Oct. 19…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2022

It’s happened. The eco-crazies in the liberal media are trying to mesh climate change and the pandemic into one big fear porn monstrosity.

The Guardian released a nutty story Oct. 18 propagandizing how “[t]he next pandemic may come not…

Brian Bradley | October 18, 2022

Suppressing so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation” online about topics like climate change could whitewash the historical record.

That’s the core thesis of a piece published Thursday by American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Jeffrey Clark | October 18, 2022

The Big Three evening news networks completely ignored a new report that Hunter Biden’s real estate company received a $40 million investment from a Russian oligarch. 

“Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow…

Craig Bannister | October 18, 2022

Two-thirds of the nation’s voters disapprove of Big Tech’s censorship of politically-related posts prior to next month’s midterm elections, a new national survey reveals.

A national opinion survey, conducted October 4-11, 2022 for The…

Brian Bradley | October 17, 2022

Facebook is ironically censoring an MRC story that calls out another platform’s suppression of a study questioning the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

MRC Free Speech America staff writer/researcher Catherine Salgado on Oct. 10 posted…

Jeffrey Clark | October 17, 2022

The midterm elections are three weeks out and The New York Times is screeching at Democrats for not touting President Joe Biden’s inflationary record of printing $1.9 trillion in government handouts.

“Democrats spent $2 trillion to save…

Joseph Vazquez | October 17, 2022

Newsweek wasted column space treating a claim that nuclear war could “solve” climate change as serious enough to warrant a fact-check, and ended up legitimizing the idea to an extent. Yes, really.

The insane article, headlined “Fact Check…

Brian Bradley | October 17, 2022

Censored on one platform? No problem. Just buy another. That seems to be the situation for the rapper and fashion designer, “formerly known as Kanye West.”

Parler, on Monday, announced that Ye will acquire Parler from Parlement…

Autumn Johnson | October 17, 2022

The head of a federal government agency is considering investigating PayPal after the company quickly retracted its policy to assess a $2,500 fine for users who spread so-called “misinformation.”

Rohit Chopra, the director of the Consumer…