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Catherine Salgado | October 3, 2022

The federal government outsourced “misinformation” censorship efforts before and after the 2020 election to four private entities that received millions of dollars worth of federal grants.

Documentation newly released by Just the News…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The same liberal billionaire who’s spending a fortune trying to get the plebeians to eat synthetic beef and quit using fossil fuels is now admitting he can’t force them to adopt eco-extremist habits.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates…

Brian Bradley | October 3, 2022

Thirty-nine House Republicans joined over 200 of their Democrat peers to vote in support of legislation to strengthen enforcement against Big Tech, indicating that Americans are hungry for action to hold Big Tech accountable.

The State…

Joseph Vazquez | October 3, 2022

The leftist Big Tech overlords may finally face a day of reckoning as the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Section 230 law that governs how tech platforms moderate free speech.

SCOTUSblog tweeted Oct. 3 that SCOTUS…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2022

The pro-Biden yahoos at The Hill are flailing over Americans blaming President Joe Biden for the obliteration of trillions of dollars from the embattled U.S. stock market.

The Hill whipped out the exhausted “Republicans pounce” angle to…

Autumn Johnson | September 30, 2022

A series of text messages between Elon Musk and several others have been released as part of the discovery phase of a back-and-forth legal saga between the Tesla CEO and Twitter.

Twitter is suing Musk to enforce his agreement to purchase…

Paiten Iselin | September 30, 2022

Payment processing site PayPal seems to have aligned itself with the leftist censorship tactics of its Big Tech counterparts.

Over the past few months, individuals and users such as Gays Against Groomers, UsForThem and the Free Speech…

Jeffrey Clark | September 30, 2022

Convention of States president Mark Meckler torched the George Soros-funded, anti-American organizations working to undermine his mission of “restor[ing] a culture of self-governance in America and to curtail federal overreach.”

“All the…

Autumn Johnson | September 29, 2022

An invasive new Amazon device has the ability to track a user’s breath while sleeping. Couple that with Big Tech's other snooping tech, censorship tactics and bias, and this new tech is nothing short of disturbing.

TechCrunch reported…

Brian Bradley | September 29, 2022

UPDATE: Since posting this story, CPAC spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told MRC Free Speech America that YouTube has removed another day of proceedings from the CPAC Texas event held in Dallas Aug. 4-7. Initially, YouTube had only removed the…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2022

Conservative radio host Mark Levin ripped apart President Joe Biden’s insane climate change agenda that has hamstrung American energy production and obliterated billions in taxpayer dollars.

The Great One ripped Biden’s United Nations…

Jeffrey Clark | September 29, 2022

A Washington Post columnist downplayed the plight of the millions of Americans who are struggling under high inflation, giving them “seven silver linings” for recession. 

“Hey, a recession isn’t all bad news,” Washington Post…

Autumn Johnson | September 28, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) last week requested YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki send company documents related to the censorship of Johnson's videos and the multiple suspensions his account has received. He wrote that he is giving the company until Oct. 5…

Gabriela Pariseau | September 28, 2022

UPDATE: After MRC Free Speech America reached out to YouTube, the platform restored the video of Giorgia Meloni's 2019 speech. YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi offered the following statement: "Upon careful review, we determined this video is not…

Catherine Salgado | September 28, 2022

After commentator Russell Brand tweeted about being “censored on YouTube,” nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dan Bongino invited Tesla CEO Elon Musk to join alternative video platform Rumble.

Russell Brand tweeted a video on Sept…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2022

Social media influencer An0maly has had it with the leftist social media fact-checkers and decided it was about time to put their ‘evil’ operations on blast in a new documentary.

An0maly’s “MINI DOCUMENTARY” ripped Facebook fact-checking…

Jeffrey Clark | September 28, 2022

The stock market plunged at the end of the second quarter, blotting out a whopping $9 trillion worth of Americans’ wealth. But the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows completely ignored the news on Tuesday night. 


Joseph Vazquez | September 27, 2022

The New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman’s so-called “rules” for Bidenomics that he preached just days before President Joe Biden took office aged like spoiled milk.

Krugman published a blog six days before Biden’s…

Catherine Salgado | September 26, 2022

Facebook and Instagram censored the Media Research Center, slapping an outdated fact-check on an MRC post of a quote criticizing Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s racist views. 

The censorship came just one week after MRC…

Jeffrey Clark | September 26, 2022

A columnist for the liberal outlet Bloomberg took a sledgehammer to the woke environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards movement currently plaguing corporate America.

Bloomberg Global Business Columnist Adrian Wooldridge…