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Charles Simpson | June 23, 2006

     Leave it to The New York Times to describe a Supreme Court ruling that will impose numerous costs on small businesses as “employee-friendly.”

     In a June 23 article, Times reporter Linda Greenhouse praised a unanimous Supreme…

Ken Shepherd | June 23, 2006

     “The Earth is running its highest fever in years,” teased NBC’s Brian Williams as he introduced the June 22 “Nightly News.”

     CBS’s Bob Schieffer one-upped his younger rival with an even more alarming tease opening the “Evening…

Ken Shepherd | June 23, 2006

     CNN’s Larry King isn’t exactly known for playing hardball, but his June 13 softball interview was the perfect game for former Vice President Al Gore to cap off his round of TV appearances on global warming.  …

Ken Shepherd | June 22, 2006

     President Bush’s prescription drug plan has been panned by conservatives and liberals, for different reasons. But in his June 21 "Evening News" report when CBS’s Wyatt Andrews presented the objections of a liberal health…

Ken Shepherd | June 21, 2006

            The kids aren’t alright. An epidemic is sweeping the nation as teenagers down the addictive brew by the pint. Underage alcohol consumption? No, coffee.



| June 21, 2006

     On primetime television, the gray flannel suit has been replaced by the orange prison jumpsuit.

     Long after executives from Enron, WorldCom, and HealthSouth first graced the 24-hour news cycle, the four major networks have…

BMI Staff | June 21, 2006

See Executive Summary

One enduring American cultural image is the man in the gray flannel suit. A businessman, with briefcase in tow and tie crisply knotted, who left the family for an honest day’s work and eventually returned home worn…

BMI Staff | June 21, 2006

See Full Report

 The entertainment industry boasts it provides but a depiction of reality. In the real world, is the average businessman a murderer, kidnapper and/or philandering backstabber? If not, why is this the way the businessman is…

BMI Staff | June 21, 2006
Bad Company TV's Assault on the American Businessman In the real world, is the average businessman a murderer, kidnapper and/or philandering…
| June 21, 2006

     “Progressive” thinkers everywhere will soon celebrate the first anniversary of Kelo v. City of New London, the Supreme Court case that finally made the jurisprudence of property rights “progressive.”

     In Kelo, the Court ruled…

Ken Shepherd | June 21, 2006

            “Witnessing the impact of global warming in your life? ABC News wants to hear from you,” read the opening lines of a Web page at


Ken Shepherd | June 21, 2006

            Print media ran results of an anti-alcohol group’s study that warned black children are exposed to more alcohol marketing than their white peers, but the report left out…

Ken Shepherd | June 20, 2006

     The only thing CNN contributor Andy Serwer was missing for a recent business update was appearing on air in a leisure suit.

     The Fortune magazine editor raised concerns of 1970s, disco-era “…

Rachel Waters | June 19, 2006

             Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) has become a convenient morning stop on many hectic commutes. Recent studies have even pointed to coffee’s potential in helping to prevent…

Ken Shepherd | June 19, 2006

           The U.S. Postal Service is helping cigarette bootleggers evade the law, warned the June 18 “World News Tonight.” But while ABC’s Dan Harris explored the legal quandary the postal…

Ken Shepherd | June 19, 2006

     CNN gave viewers a sort of Saturday morning fever as CNN’s Andy Serwer raised fears of stagflation sapping the economy’s strength on the June 17 “In the Money.” “Stagflation” is a term coined in the 1970s to refer to high inflation coupled…

| June 17, 2006

     When most people hear the word “Enron,” they mentally complete the phrase by adding the word “scandal.” As reporter Lester Holt of NBC’s “Today” put it in a January 1 story, “Enron has been the poster child, if you will, of corporate…

| June 17, 2006

     One of the hottest topics in today’s news is immigration, both legal and illegal. The discussion is focused on “solutions,” but perhaps we should begin with an examination of why immigration occurs.      The kind of immigration that is…

Noel Sheppard | June 17, 2006

     The three broadcast networks have focused growing attention on inflation recently – 42 stories since early May. CBS anchor Bob Schieffer declared on June 14 “Well, it is back, inflation, that is.” The following day, ABC’s…

Ken Shepherd | June 17, 2006

     In the mid-1990s, aside from tobacco companies, Microsoft (NYSE: MSFT) and its CEO Bill Gates were perhaps the media’s favorite corporate villain. Now he’s a media darling.     On the March 3, 1998,…