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Amy Menefee | July 12, 2006

     “We’ll look at who’s to blame for the stuff you put in your body.”


     That’s not an exaggeration of the media’s view of the “food police’s”…

Ken Shepherd | July 12, 2006

     ABC and CBS evening newscasts attacked the pharmaceutical industry for expensive drugs for cancer treatment. Both the July 11 “World News Tonight” and “Evening News” left out dollar figures on drug industry research costs…

| July 12, 2006

     Dr. Sylvester Graham – who was born in 1794 and died in 1851 – has been re-incarnated. His new name is Michael Jacobson, founder and director of the Washington-based “food police,” operating under the name the Center for Science in the…

BMI Staff | July 12, 2006
Networks Serve as Deputy for Food Police Do you feel comfortable eating that Big Mac? That frappuccino? If so, the food police havent gotten to you…
Ken Shepherd | July 11, 2006

     “Gas prices are through the roof, why are you still driving?”

     That might as well have been the cry from “World News Tonight” substitute anchor Kate Snow as she opened the July 10 broadcast.

    The answer would be:…

Ken Shepherd | July 11, 2006

     Young people are too busy buying scores of jeans to worry about socking away money for retirement, ABC’s Betsy Stark suggested to viewers in the first story in her “Money Trap” series on American debt. But Stark left out…

Ken Shepherd | July 10, 2006

     Registered nurses, carpenters, and technical writers are unfairly reaping the spoils of the strong economy while hard-working dishwashers and janitors get the shaft.



Ken Shepherd | July 10, 2006

     Gas prices are on the rise again, but are they really just one penny below “all-time highs,” as CNN business reporter Carrie Lee suggested recently?


     “Up 11 cents a gallon over…

Ken Shepherd | July 7, 2006

     “It’s a financial storm without a shelter in sight,” reporter Mark Strassmann blustered on the July 6 “Evening News.” “Up and down its coast, Florida has an insurance crisis,”…

Ken Shepherd | July 6, 2006

     Thousands of people may lose their jobs in a seaside resort town in New Jersey, thanks to a Democratic governor’s insistence on raising taxes. But CBS News left out the role tax hikes and wasteful spending played in its…

Ken Shepherd | July 5, 2006

     Hollywood usually gets a pass from the media’s participation in promoting class envy, but NBC’s Michael Okwu found a way to attack A-list Hollywood celebrities: their voiceover work for TV commercials.


Ken Shepherd | July 5, 2006


     Ah, the Fourth of July. Time for fireworks, barbeques … and stern lectures from the food police?


     CNN’s Independence Day edition of “American Morning” gave viewers…

Ken Shepherd | June 30, 2006

     The U.S. economy didn’t grow as strongly as the government first thought this winter. It did far better.

     But of the three broadcast evening news programs on June 29, only the CBS  “Evening News” picked up on the story. And…

Rachel Waters | June 29, 2006

     A June 27 Associated Press article titled “Scientists OK Gore’s Movie for Accuracy” might as well be titled “Gore Supporters Support Gore.”


     The AP claimed to “have contacted…

Ken Shepherd | June 29, 2006

     Detroit is finally wising up about its cars. It’s taking a smaller-is-better cue from Europe, CBS told viewers of the June 28 “Evening News.”

     But reporter John Blackstone’s take on…

Amy Menefee | June 28, 2006

     TV journalists have been warning of “stagflation,” a bursting housing bubble, and even “recession,” but consumers are far more confident about the economy than journalists.…

BMI Staff | June 28, 2006

Are you enjoying The Balance Sheet? Forward it along to your friends who will, too! The Business…

Ken Shepherd | June 28, 2006

     They wanted to sue over sodas in school, they even complained about 2 percent milk, and now they’re after fruit juices. But to the Washington Post, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is just another…

| June 28, 2006

     The news media were singing the praises of businessmen this week because one executive did something many journalists support: He gave away most of his money.

     Warren Buffett, founder of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and perhaps the…

Ken Shepherd | June 27, 2006

     “Today we got more intriguing evidence that coffee can be good for you, with a new study that suggests it can cut your risk of Type 2 Diabetes,” ABC’s Charles Gibson announced in the June 26 evening newscast. But just a…