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Then and Now, Media Sing Along to Dems' Election Song: 'No Tax Cuts'

In 2003, Democrats and the media said the tax cuts wouldnt work. They said (and still do) tax cuts cause deficits. But as the declining federal deficit has proven, they were wrong before the last election and not much has changed.

CNN Is All Wet When It Comes to Economy
Drip, drip, drip of economic coverage used to attack conservatives, business.

G: Investors Business Daily says dont be ghouled, economys doing well
B: NBCs Carl Quintanilla scares up two spots in this weeks review with housing bubble
U: and gasoline price conspiracy stories.

CNNs War on the Economy

NBCs Today Raises Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy on Gas Prices

CBSs Couric Focuses on Troubles at Enron, Ford; Leaves out Dow Record, Lower Gas Prices


Cheer up, homeowner (Hudson)

GDP falls, the left attacks? (FreedomWorks)

Importing Poverty: Immigration and poverty in the United States (Heritage)

On trial lawyers, torts, and terrorism (AEI)

The era of big cinema is over (

How government destroys moral character (Independent)

Ethanol: Boon or boondoggle?
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C., November 8

Book Discussion: Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years
Hudson Institute
Washington, D.C., November 9

Tax Foundations 69th Annual Dinner and Distinguished Service Awards
Four Seasons Hotel
Washington, D.C., November 16; RSVP by November 10.

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