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Rachel Waters
Amy Menefee, Rachel Waters | July 15, 2008

     CNN scared viewers July 13 by suggesting Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s support for extending the Bush tax cuts would threaten their Social Security and Medicare.

     “Your $$$$$” host Ali Velshi and CNN…

Rachel Waters | July 10, 2008

     “The scariest money mistake women make (it’s not shoes!),” or so warned the cover of Glamour’s July issue. The cover story “Welcome to my Mortgage Hell” left homeownership looking anything but glamorous and banks…

Rachel Waters | June 16, 2008

     CNN’s money team is very concerned about high gas and oil prices, but the “biggest fear” of an economist on “Your $$$$$” wasn’t just that the prices would continue to climb.



Rachel Waters | May 19, 2008

     CNN Correspondent Greg Hunter doesn’t like to follow the crowd, or in this case listen to experts. On the May 18 edition of “Your $$$$$,”Hunter ignored recent reports that the economy is doing better than expected. Instead, he put his faith…

Rachel Waters | May 12, 2008

     As if record-high gas prices weren’t enough, CNN’s “Your $$$$$” speculated about “what if” oil were to spike to $200 a barrel.


     “Well, if you think it is bad now, it could get…

Rachel Waters | April 30, 2007

      “Mind the gap” isn’t just for the London Underground anymore. The April 28 edition of CNN’s “In the Money” lamented a gap in pay between men and women, but the segment itself had a few gaps.  
