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Rachel Waters
Rachel Waters | January 29, 2007

     On the January 27th edition of CNN’s “In the Money,” panelists Jennifer Westhoven and Christine Romans were all steamed up about big business’ role in climate change.

     “How genuinely environmentally conscious can some of these…

Rachel Waters | January 22, 2007

     ”I do drive occasionally, but not enough. I don't own a car because we don't really need it here.” That was New York-based CNN correspondent Stephanie Elam opening her gas price segment on the January 20 “In the Money.”


Rachel Waters | January 15, 2007

     It might have been a holiday weekend for some, but “In the Money” viewers didn't get any time off from worrying. The January 13 CNN show insisted that energy costs were a concern, even in a time of falling gas prices.


Rachel Waters | January 8, 2007

     Regular journalism is for sissies.

     “One of the cardinal rules of journalism is don't speculate, but we like to live dangerously around here ...” That’s how CNN’s “In the Money” panelist Jennifer Westhoven introduced the…

Rachel Waters | December 18, 2006

     College costs are on congressional Democrats’ “first 100 hours” agenda for their legislative control, starting in January. And on December 16, CNN’s “In the Money” hyped the issue in advance.

     The segment was nothing but a…

Rachel Waters | December 11, 2006

     I generate enough revenue to grant 5 million individuals access to appropriate health care. I provide every child in Botswana with education to age 13. I am essential to the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. I generate more than 40 percent…