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Rachel Waters
Rachel Waters | August 16, 2006

See Full Report

Al Gore has experienced a surge in media coverage this summer generated mostly by the release of his new film and book on global warming, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Even with the extensive media coverage – more than one…

Rachel Waters | August 16, 2006

See Executive Summary

 In the heat of the summer the media talked up a storm about global warming. And the most celebrated “expert” on the topic was a man who received a degree in government, dropped out of two graduate programs (law and…

Rachel Waters | July 21, 2006

     Instead of worrying about the burst of the “housing bubble” you might as well watch paint dry or your grass grow. CNN’s “American Morning” is no longer forecasting doom and gloom for the US housing market. On July 21…

Rachel Waters | July 17, 2006

     Al Gore may have rubbed elbows with some of the world’s most prominent leaders, but he looked awkward in staged photos as cover boy in the July 14 issue of Entertainment Weekly. He appeared denim jacketed in the hot…

Rachel Waters | July 13, 2006

     The ’80s song “I Want a New Drug” might as well be the soundtrack for The New York Times and NBC. Both media have dramatically changed the tune on two prescription drugs they once hailed as “breakthroughs” and “promising…

Rachel Waters | June 29, 2006

     A June 27 Associated Press article titled “Scientists OK Gore’s Movie for Accuracy” might as well be titled “Gore Supporters Support Gore.”


     The AP claimed to “have contacted…