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Rachel Waters
Rachel Waters | April 23, 2007

     Would-be president Dennis Kucinich voiced “concern” over possible “$4 a gallon” summer gas prices and directed blame toward oil companies on CNN’s “In the Money.”

     Hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans lobbed softball questions…

Amy Menefee, Rachel Waters | April 16, 2007

     Guilty until proven innocent – that was the verdict for the student loan industry on CNN’s “In the Money.”

     The show’s anchors turned a story on investigation of college financial aid offices into a diatribe on corporate…

Rachel Waters | March 13, 2007

     In debt? Don’t worry, you won’t be blamed by CNN’s “In the Money” team.


     On March 10, the CNN show featured an interview with James Scurlock, maker of the new documentary “Maxed…

Rachel Waters | March 5, 2007

     “What goes up must come down. But how will we know when the housing market has hit rock bottom?” Allen Wastler started off “In The Money’s” gloomy housing story with a dose of doom and it only went downhill from there. The March 3 show…

Rachel Waters | February 19, 2007

     CNN’s “In the Money” crew placed the blame on corporate America for a lack of diversity in the workplace in its February 17 show, saying businesses have a long way to go on something “so simple.”

     The segment featured two…

Rachel Waters | February 5, 2007

     In the first month of 2007, the panel of CNN’s “In the Money” made gloomy economic predictions, complained about fluctuating gas prices and moaned about wages, among other things. On the February 3 show, they pondered whether or not the…