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Dan Gainor | June 16, 2006

      “We are the problem,” declared NBC’s “Today” co-anchor Matt Lauer doing a stint as host for the SciFi network. Lauer was referring to mankind’s alleged misuse of planet Earth, but his comment better suits the media…

Noel Sheppard | June 16, 2006

Networks Think Inflation is Important Only When Its Rising Signs that consumer prices are under control get ignored or downplayed…

Dan Gainor | June 15, 2006

Lauers SciFi Disaster Examines Our Lack of Future World wont end before more viewers subjected to Today co-hosts wacky predictions of doom.…

Ken Shepherd | June 15, 2006

CNN's '70s Flashback: Serwer Sees Specter of Stagflation But economy is performing strongly and inflation is well below 1970s…

Ken Shepherd | June 15, 2006

Summer of Gore Continues with Softball Game on Larry King Host lets Gore slam his talking points out of the park without raising…

BMI Staff | June 14, 2006
Recession Never Recedes Far from News Comments A few down days in the stock market and the media turn to Mr. Reliable recession. Its not the first time…
Ken Shepherd | June 14, 2006

ABC Labels Litigious Food Police a Consumer Group Industry critic CSPIs lawsuit escaped critical review on World News Tonight…

Dan Gainor | June 14, 2006

Recession Never Recedes Far from News Comments TV reports continue to raise the specter of economic troubles despite strong growth…

Ken Shepherd | June 14, 2006

     ABC’s Charlie Gibson promised his June 13 “World News Tonight” viewers a look at “why a leading consumer group has a bone to pick over the fat in KFC food.” But that organization was none other than the Center for Science…

Ken Shepherd | June 13, 2006

PBSs Now Charged Up About Foul Play Killing Electric Car But in reality, only a few hundred sold, despite tax credits and…

Ken Shepherd | June 13, 2006

Gores Film, Lionized by Media, A Pussycat at Box Office Documentarys lackluster performance worse than Gigli, A Prairie Home…

Ken Shepherd | June 13, 2006

     The June 9 “Now with David Brancaccio” could well have been titled PBS’s “Tin-Foil Conspiracy Theatre” as the newsmagazine looked at death of the electric car from the Michael Moore-like lens of a left-wing filmmaker.…

Ken Shepherd | June 13, 2006

     Perhaps not since “Gigli” has a movie so highly anticipated by the media done so little at the box office.      Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” has been and still is being strongly promoted in the media, but as with the ill-fated Lopez-…

Ken Shepherd | June 12, 2006

USA Today Hypes Student Debt Loads Paper features grad student with more than double the average debt load of his peers.…

Ken Shepherd | June 12, 2006

     As graduation season wound down, the June 12 USA Today alarmed readers with a look at the “growing number of college grads” who owe more than $100,000 in student loans. But even the article’s author briefly conceded that’…

Ken Shepherd | June 9, 2006

NBC Marks Death Tax Bills Demise with Democratic Zinger Anchor Brian Williams left out conservative talking points and studies…

Ken Shepherd | June 9, 2006

CNN Airs Glowing Review of Ethanol Boom in Iowa Reporter Lothian leaves out how taxpayers are picking up a large part of the bill…

Ken Shepherd | June 9, 2006

CBS Downplays Terrorisms Impact on Oil BusinessWeek cited oil analysts who estimated much higher costs from terrorism.…

Ken Shepherd | June 9, 2006

    On the June 8 “Nightly News,” NBC’s Brian Williams squeezed in a Democratic talking point when reporting the Senate vote on the death tax.      While Williams said that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-…

Ken Shepherd | June 8, 2006

ABC Rolls Out the R-word as Markets Dip Below 11,000 Reporter Stark warns a recession could be coming, ignores how well the…