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BMI Staff | June 7, 2006
'Jobs Americans Wont Do' The notorious immigration-related phrase seems to have left the president's vocabulary. He's exchanged it for jobs Americans…
Dan Gainor | June 7, 2006
     When most people hear the word Enron, they mentally complete the phrase by adding the word scandal. As reporter Lester Holt of NBCs Today put it in a January 1 story, Enron has been the poster…
Ken Shepherd | June 7, 2006

USA Today Falsely Claims Record Price of Gasoline But years ago when prices climbed, the media sometimes adjusted for inflation to…

Ken Shepherd | June 7, 2006

CBS Uses Immigration to Push Teacher Pay Complaint But teachers earn above the average U.S. wage and young people are drawn to…

Amy Menefee | June 7, 2006

Jobs Americans Wont Do Media ran with administration catchphrase despite its obvious flaws.

By Amy Menefee…

Ken Shepherd | June 6, 2006

CBS Pushes Liberal Price Gouging Storyline (Again) Evening News favors new allegations over other reasons for high prices,…

Ken Shepherd | June 2, 2006

ABC Takes a Swipe at American Auto Industry Gibson continues media focus on declining Big Three automakers, despite other…

Ken Shepherd | June 1, 2006

The Media Love Gore All the More Entertainment Weekly, Time praise the environmentalist laptop-wielding ninja

Ken Shepherd | June 1, 2006

CBS Reports Chavezs Push for Higher Oil Prices Other networks ignore story, continuing pattern of media apathy on South Americas…

BMI Staff | May 31, 2006
Its Easy Being Green Whats that smell? Whether its cow manure, home barbecues or just plain sweat, the media smell energy efficiency. Theyre taking…
Dan Gainor | May 31, 2006
     Paying taxes is one of the least enjoyable things in life. But all taxes arent equal. Some fund pork or programs the government has no business being involved with. Others genuinely provide for the…
Ken Shepherd | May 31, 2006

CNNs Kitty Pilgrim Slams Economy Dobbs reporter takes Treasury secretary nomination as chance to rehash attacks on Bush economy,…

Amy Menefee | May 31, 2006
     Gas prices havent stopped Americans from driving, but the media are more interested in those seeking solutions to moooving without gasoline. ABCs Claire Shipman covered a team of Western Washington…
Ken Shepherd | May 30, 2006

Washington Post Magazine Scoffs at Global Warming Skeptics Rival paper Washington Times, meanwhile, presents views on both sides…

Rachel Waters | May 26, 2006

NBC Pumps Up Housing Bubble with Extreme Example Network spotlights problems of couple paying $2,000 a month for a $129,000 house…

Ken Shepherd | May 25, 2006

NY Times Sounds Downbeat on Upbeat Economy Reporter Peters downplays strong GDP revision and hunts for signs of slowdown.…

Ill See Your Price and Raise You a Quarter Networks fret over high gas costs, yet still depict prices higher than they are.…

Ken Shepherd | May 25, 2006

A Government Land Grab the Media Can Love ABC News casts Wal-Mart as Goliath when town tries to seize its land, but Kelo ruling…

BMI Staff | May 24, 2006
The Free Market Project is now the Business…
Ken Shepherd | May 24, 2006

CNN Continues to Dismiss FTC Report on Price Gouging Anchor bemoans results but weeks earlier called for higher gas prices with…