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A Massive Reporting Deficit
Networks have spun the federal deficit negatively 35 times since the State of the Union address. Only once did a journalist mention the number was going down without undermining the good news.

More Economic Bull from Media Bears
It may be just right, but as BMI National Chairman Herman Cain shows, the media wont acknowledge the Goldilocks economy.

G: Fortune reporter notes weather-related speculation in driving up oil prices
B: CBS pushes oil price conspiracy theory
U: ABC attacks corporate breast cancer funding and Wal-Mart health clinics

Special Report:
Bad News Bears
The truth of the economy is far different from what the media have been reporting. ABC, CBS and NBC spent a year telling negative economic stories twice as often as positive ones, despite low unemployment and now three years of positive job growth.


Stephen Bainbridge: The Communitarian Conundrum (TCSDaily)

George C. Leef: Why Americas economy is so strong when its education system seems so weak (TCSDaily)

2006 budget numbers show impact of pro-growth tax policy, but also continued spending increases (Heritage)

Why gas prices dropped (CNN)

A Nobel Prize for pinpointing U.S. greatness (CEI)

Book Discussion: Strategic Giving: The art and science of philanthropy.
Hudson Institute
New York, N.Y., October 19

Education Reform: What Works
Heartland Institute/Wisconsin Forum
Milwaukee Athletic Club
Milwaukee, Wis., October 24

Federal Reserve policy in the face of crises
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., November 16

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