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BMI Staff | November 1, 2006
Then and Now, Media Sing Along to Dems' Election Song: 'No Tax Cuts' In 2003, Democrats and the media said the tax cuts wouldnt work. They said (and still do…
Ken Shepherd | November 1, 2006

    Wages are growing at the fastest pace since the last election year, but USA Today spun that news negatively in its November 1 paper. Instead, readers got a unhealthy dose of inflation worries.



Dan Gainor | October 31, 2006

     KFC announced it is cutting the trans fats from much of its menu, and the media celebrated not chewing the fat as “another giant step in the movement to make America’s food healthier.”


Rachel Waters | October 30, 2006

     “Off they go into the wild blue yonder; climbing high into the sun.” That’s what a recent PBS segment might have you thinking about “skyrocketing” college costs. But recent evidence showed that college cost growth is…

Julia A. Seymour | October 30, 2006

     The latest “In the Money” was just another skirmish in CNN’s pre-election war on the U.S. economy – supplying an almost exclusively negative take on economic, health care, wages and education issues.

     Firing the first shot,…

Julia A. Seymour | October 27, 2006

     When is a company earning too much? According to ABC, that’s when it is doing better than the tiny country of Iceland. ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” on October 26 used that unusual comparison to state that Exxon…

Ken Shepherd | October 26, 2006

     If NBC’s Carl Quintanilla is in a bind about what to wear to the NBC News Halloween party, he could always go as a “housing bubble.”


     With only five days until Halloween, NBC “…

Amy Menefee | October 25, 2006

     CNN is no “CSI,” but its reporters and anchors keep declaring things dead. They’ve called the American dream “impossible” and “a lost cause” and said the middle class is “in crisis” or going “out of business” – all in the month of October…

Ted Frank, Special to BMI | October 25, 2006

     Jesse Williams started smoking as a 21-year-old soldier in Korea in 1950. Though Williams was taught as a child that it was unhealthy to smoke, and, in turn, taught his children not to smoke, he refused entreaties from doctors and family to…

BMI Staff | October 25, 2006
CNN's War on the Economy As the election nears, CNN is pushing the war on the middle class throughout its broadcasts. According to its reporters and…
Ken Shepherd | October 25, 2006

     Less than two weeks before the November elections, an NBC “Today” show co-host asked, “are we being manipulated” by falling gas prices. Reporter Carl Quintanilla dismissed the idea but still cast “Big Oil” and…

Ken Shepherd | October 24, 2006

     Gas prices hit their lowest point since January and the Dow Jones closed on yet another record high, but on the October 24 evening newscast CBS’s Katie Couric colored her business briefing in red, focusing on Ford Motor Company’s (NYSE: F)…

Julia A. Seymour | October 24, 2006

     It’s basic economics: if demand for something goes up, so will the price – especially if the supply is limited.


     The number of available airplane seats is limited approaching…

Dan Gainor | October 24, 2006

    It took 31 years, but Newsweek magazine admitted it was incorrect about climate change. In a nearly 1,000-word correction, Senior Editor Jerry Adler finally agreed that a 1975 piece on global cooling “was so spectacularly wrong…

Ken Shepherd | October 24, 2006

     The Dow Jones Industrial Average set an all time record on October 19, closing a few points about 12,000. Yet only ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” led the newscast with the news, while CBS’s Katie Couric dismissed…

Julia A. Seymour | October 23, 2006

     T-Rex. The Dodo bird. The middle class?


     According to many CNN anchors and reporters, the extinction of the middle class is looming, and “In the Money” advanced the theory on…

Ken Shepherd | October 23, 2006

    “Freshman 15 down to just 8,” blared an October 23 USA Today headline. But reporter Nanci Hellmich still found an appetite for worry about college students’ eating habits in her Life section article.



Ken Shepherd | October 20, 2006

     Conspiracy theories involving Republicans and “Big Oil” are more newsworthy to The Washington Post than an international oil cartel’s moves to pump up prices.

     While The Washington Post recently highlighted in its Business…

Julia A. Seymour | October 20, 2006

     The Weather Channel already tells viewers to stay inside during bad weather, but a new campaign also tells them what to think and do about global warming.


      The channel’s…

Julia A. Seymour | October 19, 2006

     Lou Dobbs’s hour-long special “War on the Middle Class” should have been titled “Vote for Bigger Government This Election Year.”

     With barely an attempt at journalistic objectivity, against the backdrop "America Votes 2006," …