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Julia A. Seymour | November 30, 2006

     It sounded like a spy thriller: Kremlin critic dies in London after being poisoned with a radioactive material.


     But instead of dispelling fears surrounding the actual death of…

Ken Shepherd | November 30, 2006

    CNN’s Lou Dobbs often worries that Detroit is dying because of trade with Japan and other car-producing countries. But on his November 28 program, Dobbs turned his ire to one of Detroit’s Big Three, declaring a fatwa on Ford…

BMI Staff | November 29, 2006
Unhealthy Bias in Implant Stories, Then and Now Silicone breast implants have been cleared by the FDA for the marketplace once again. During the 14-year ban…
Dan Gainor | November 29, 2006

     In 1975, Bob Dylan sang about being given “shelter from the storm.” In 2006, the media warned us that was what everyone would need facing another devastating hurricane season.

     Americans braced back in May as the media belted…

Julia A. Seymour | November 29, 2006

     The FDA has put silicone breast implants back on the market. But journalists, who hyped the implants’ dangers more than a decade ago, have shown they’re not convinced.

     “Given the history of this product, I think a lot of…

Ken Shepherd | November 28, 2006

     American laborers are “going to extremes” working in jobs “where 60 hours a week can be considered part-time, and overtime is an understatement.”


     That’s how ABC anchor Charles…

Dan Gainor | November 27, 2006

     Pity the poor 20-something – at least that’s what ABC and its partner USA Today seem to want to you to do. The two news organizations teamed up to portray young adults drowning in the “national crisis” of “college loans…

Amy Menefee | November 22, 2006

     Just two days before the start of the Christmas shopping season, USA Today provided parents a “tip sheet to know what to watch for to shield their kids, and themselves” – shielding from dastardly retailers, that is.

Rachel Waters | November 21, 2006

     “So are we OK or in the early stages of a housing-led crash that might depress us all?”

     That was the leading question of PBS economics correspondent Paul Solman on the November 17 “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.”


Ken Shepherd | November 21, 2006

     Further regulating the economy could threaten economic growth, and heavy litigation is an “Achilles heel for our economy,” Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned the Economic Club of New York in a November 20 speech. Yet…

BMI Staff | November 21, 2006
The Inflation Monster Under the Medias Bed Gas prices and health care and food costs, oh my! But the truth is, theres been a drop in inflation.…
Julia A. Seymour | November 21, 2006

     Journalists worked themselves into a fright this spring as inflation rose, scaremongering with cries of “stagflation” and “recession.” But when the news came last week that the inflation “monster” wasn’t “rearing its ugly head,” the media…

Herman Cain | November 21, 2006

     Thanksgiving in America is a time of traditions – turkey and dressing, gathering around the table, watching football and seeing schoolchildren dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians, reenacting the first Thanksgiving. One of the most…

Julia A. Seymour | November 21, 2006

     Famed Nobel-prize winning economist Milton Friedman died yesterday at age 94. Friedman embraced free-market principles of economics and believed that political freedom could only be accomplished with economic freedom.…

Ken Shepherd | November 20, 2006

     As you drive to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving, just keep in mind you’re not paying enough in taxes for those roads you’re driving on.


     That’s the viewpoint Larry Copeland of…

Dan Gainor | November 20, 2006

     Even death isn’t a great equalizer at The Washington Post. Two of America’s most well-known economists died in 2006 – John Kenneth Galbraith and Milton Friedman. But there the similarities ended.


Ken Shepherd | November 20, 2006

     “Just in time for Thanksgiving, turkey prices are up five cents on the pound.”


     Substitute the words “gasoline” for “turkey” and “gallon” for “pound,” and you get NBC and CNN’s…

Dan Gainor | November 17, 2006

     Workers of the world unite – on the pages of The Washington Post Business section. The Post made the gathering easy, describing a huge union campaign to organize janitorial workers in Houston as a battle of “a $5.25-an-…

Ken Shepherd | November 16, 2006

     Cashing in objective reporting for editorial commentary, CNN business reporter Ali Velshi and anchor Miles O’Brien rang in the November 16 edition of  “American Morning” with a few swipes at Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE:…

Ken Shepherd | November 16, 2006

    The same day the federal government opened re-enrollment for a costly drug benefit, Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) expanded its $4-generic drug plan and another competitor announced it would offer generic drugs for the same price…