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Ken Shepherd | January 3, 2007

     The second day into “Prescription For Change,” a weeklong series on American health care, ABC News revealed its recent poll found nearly 9 out of 10 Americans are happy with their health care. But rather than finding the statistic an…

Ken Shepherd | January 2, 2007

     Liberal activists and Democratic spokesmen are quick to argue that the minimum wage is too low and unfair. But on the January 2 “American Morning,” that argument came from a CNN business reporter.

     While CNN’s Ali Velshi did…

Julia A. Seymour | December 27, 2006

     Even one day after Christmas, the big three networks were still playing Grinch – putting down a retail sales increase of about 6.5 percent as somehow inadequate. This from the same media that complained Americans were…

Julia A. Seymour | December 26, 2006

     The feminist mandate of “equal pay” landed on the front page of the December 24 New York Times this week, with a warning that “one big group of women has stopped making progress.”



Julia A. Seymour | December 26, 2006

     No good deed goes unpunished -- that was the theme of an ABC Christmas day segment about donating clothing to charity.

     “World News Tonight with Charles Gibson,” took “A Closer Look” at charities and gave the appearance of…

Julia A. Seymour | December 22, 2006

     On December 22 the “Today” show gave its viewers an early Christmas present: a balanced report on the auto industry.


     Reporter Phil LeBeau said that Toyota, the Japanese…

Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2006

     “Rising” child care cost was the “Lou Dobbs Tonight” whine during the December 20 “War on the Middle Class” segment.

     Reporter Lisa Sylvester heralded the need for government intervention because of rising day care costs,…

Julia A. Seymour | December 20, 2006

     “Don’t know much about history. Don’t know much biology. Don’t know much about science book. Don’t know much about the French I took.”

     That Sam Cooke song expresses what many experts sense about American students. To fix the…

Noel Sheppard | December 20, 2006

     When Santa came to Wall Street this year, the media cried and pouted.    


     With the Dow Jones Industrial Average at an all-time high and commodities markets…

BMI Staff | December 20, 2006
Thank you for subscribing to the Balance Sheet. It has been a great year. But wed like to make this an even better year. Your tax-deductible gift to the Business…
Ken Shepherd | December 19, 2006

     Reporting on a merit pay plan for public school teachers in Houston, ABC’s Gigi Stone left out one detractor’s status as a labor union activist.

     “Texas is engaged in a massive $300-million experiment to find out whether big…

Ken Shepherd | December 19, 2006

     In the midst of summer gas prices, CBS’s John Blackstone complained about Americans’ preference for larger, less fuel efficient cars while he praised a “micro car” frequently used by city-dwelling Europeans.

     But now that a…

Rachel Waters | December 18, 2006

     College costs are on congressional Democrats’ “first 100 hours” agenda for their legislative control, starting in January. And on December 16, CNN’s “In the Money” hyped the issue in advance.

     The segment was nothing but a…

Ken Shepherd | December 18, 2006

     One country’s terrorist menace is one Baltimore Sun reporter’s insurgency.

     In his December 18 article, “Paying the price for resistance,” Sun foreign reporter Scott Calvert gave readers a snapshot of a “violent insurgency that…

Dan Gainor | December 15, 2006

     Freedom of information is the backbone of good journalism. Keeping information open and available also helps democracy function. But contrary to the “information-wants-to-be-free” mindset left over from the dot-com era, free information isn…

Ken Shepherd | December 15, 2006

     “What can be done to break Big Pharma’s growing control of our minds and bodies? I wish I knew,” a critic of the pharmaceutical industry wrote recently on a media blog. But the author of that post was an ostensibly unbiased investigative…

Ken Shepherd | December 14, 2006

     Looking for factual medical reporting that avoids milking tragedy to create hype?  If you’ve made an appointment to watch the CBS “Evening News,” you may want to get a second opinion.



Ken Shepherd | December 14, 2006

     Just how are car companies staying in business without caring about their customers?

     “The manufacturers would prefer to save the $100 that it would cost to make a strong roof and put it into…

Ken Shepherd | December 13, 2006

     On the heels of two E. coli outbreaks that are still under investigation, ABC News hyped the risk of food-borne illness and suggested more government regulation could prevent illness and death. But Americans are as likely…

BMI Staff | December 13, 2006
Have a Holly Jolly Something Which holiday is that? The one with the Christmas trees and stockings hung by the chimney with care and the birth of…